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EC's 16 actions towards massive e-invoicing adoption


In 2020 e-invoicing has to be the predominant method of invoicing in Europe, according to European Commission.

In its Communication ‘Reaping the benefits of electronic invoicing  for Europe’ and in its Decision ‘Setting up the European Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Electronic Invoicing’, the EC sets out several actions to reach its 2020 vision.

Underneath is a list of actions:


  1. Call for action to every Member State to liberalise e-invoicing regulation and legislation
    When: 2 December 2010

  2. External study on alternative VAT collections methods including the role of e-invoicing, to be published in the rapport called: “Green paper on the future of VAT”
    When: end of 2010, start of 2011

  3. Fiscalis seminar on e-invoicing, followed by an assessment on needs for further guidance
    When: February 2011

  4. National multi-stakeholder e-invoicing fora, with balanced representation of stakeholders.
    When: June 2011 at the latest

  5. Revision of E-signatures directive (1999/93/EC) with a view to providing a cross-border recognition and interoperability framework
    When: sometime in 2011

  6. Setting up a European Multi Stakeholder Forum on E-invoicing
    When: sometime in 2011

  7. Development of a Code of Practice with regard to interoperability of the e-invoicing process, like the EDI Model Agreement (1994).
    When: end of 2011

  8. Analysis of needs and actions for interoperable addressing and routing procedures by the e-invoicing service providers.
    When: end of 2011

  9. Creating implementation guidelines for implementing the Cross Industry Invoice data model.
    When: end of 2011

  10. Have the EU E-invoicing Forum to take into account the results of previous activities, existing work and solutions in the e-invoicing domain, e.g. ‘Reuse before buy, buy before make’.
    When: 2011 – 2020

  11. Continuous ‘Think Small First’ assessment: impact of future technical and legal requirements for SME’s by the EC. Member States and standardisation organisations are expected to do the same.
    When: 2011 – 2020

  12. Organisation and participation in awareness-raising activities to inform SME’s about the e-invoicing potential. Synergies with existing promotional activities and networks. J.
    When: 2011 – 2020

  13. Continue and expand initiatives that promote participation of SME’s in the digital supply chain.
    When: 2011 – 2020

  14. Promotion of e-invoicing at a national level by EU Member States by: (1) advocating the use of e-invoicing towards SME’s, (2) coordinate existing and forthcoming national initiatives (3) monitor e-invoicing adoption (4) set targets for e-invoicing adoption.
    When: 2011 -2020

  15. EC and other EU institutions take the lead by implementing e-invoicing for their own public procurement purposes.
    When: 2011 -….

  16. Fast development by UN/CEFACT of complementary e-business messages
    When: ….



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