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Analyst: online banking could save 17m trees each year

Tekrati, the analyst reporting service, has flagged up research by Javelin Strategy and Research that puts a environmental value on the shift to banking online.

Read the full Tekrati story here - or buy the report from Javelin, which covers more than just the headline grabbing green case.

Some of the envirnmental headlines Tekrati highlighted were:

The Yearly Benefits -- If All U.S. Households Viewed and Paid Bills Online:

  • Saves 2.3 million tons of wood, or 16.5 million trees.
  • Reduces fuel consumption by 26 million BTUs – enough energy to provide residential power to San Francisco for an entire year.
  • Decreases toxic air pollutants by 3.9 billion pounds of CO2 equivalents (greenhouse gases), akin to having 355,000 fewer cars on the road.
  • Reduces toxic wastewater by 13 billion gallons, enough to fill almost 20,000 swimming pools.
  • Lowers solid waste generated by 1.6 billion pounds – equal to 56,000 fully loaded garbage trucks.
  • Removes 8.5 million particulates and 12.6 million nitrogen oxides from the air – on par with taking 763,000 buses and 48,000 18-wheelers off the streets.
  • Saves landfill space and curbs the amount of toxic chemicals, including methane gas, released into the atmosphere as paper decomposes.

Personally, I find the overlap between banks, their use of technology and their ability to respond to both green and other CSR type issues, really relevant and interesting.

It drifts a little from Finextra's core subject matter - and I joined Pete's Going Green community - but is this the sort of issue area we'd like to hear more about?


This content is provided by an external author without editing by Finextra. It expresses the views and opinions of the author.

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