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Coinye West: Bitcoin's first celeb branded currency?

Just when you thought the world of Bitcoin might be sobering up for January like the rest of us, comes the news that rapper Kanje West is being celebrated with his own Bitcoin issue - to be known as Coinye West.

Coindesk and the BBC both have the story - or you can nip over to or follow them @CoinyeWest

Unfortunately, the team behind Coinye West might not have got around to asking their hero to take his name for this purpose.

Let's see what happens on January 11th, the proposed launch date of Coinye West.

This all suggests to me that even now a rapping lawyer is beating a path to the door of the aforementioned Coinye West developers.

While it is impossible for any of us to know how the Bitcoin story will end out. One thing is for sure. Lawyers will make money from it.


Comments: (1)

A Finextra member
A Finextra member 06 January, 2014, 11:04Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

Well Kanye West is god isn't it.. He said so himself. 

Now hiring