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Top 5 Blockchain Marketing Agencies For 2023

Developing an in-house marketing department might be challenging, especially for start-ups. Headhunting, staff training, and team building require significant resources; only some young companies can afford them. In the blockchain niche, this issue becomes even more relevant as businesses have to pay more attention to product development. In this case, delegation of marketing to an agency is a good option. Let's take a look at the benefits:


  • Working with an already close-knit team
  • No additional spending on motivation and team building
  • Agencies already have the necessary experience and networking 
  • You're paying for the exact result


Obviously, for newcomers agency is a perfect solution, which can save your budget and meet your expectations in terms of performance. The Blockchain market is vast, and plenty of companies provide crypto marketing solutions. To make your research easier, I've gathered the top 5 blockchain marketing agencies you should come across before making decisions:

Blockchain Marketing is a full-service marketing agency that can help you in such fields as PPC marketing, SEO, Influencer marketing, PR and Community building, Email marketing, as well as web development and marketing analytics implementation.

As a KPI-oriented marketing agency, they have a proven track of successful cases for B2B and B2C projects. Blockchain Marketing has an impressive pool of partner media and influencers and can find the right approach to your needs.

Ninjapromo has already become a well-known brand in this segment. This agency is perfect for projects looking for IDO marketing, ICO marketing, DeFi, and Web 3 marketing. 

Ninjapromo covers such marketing directions as SEO, Content marketing, Community management, Influencer marketing, PR, and much more. With over 200+ successful cases, this marketing agency may also impress you with significant performance.

Another crypto marketing agency that is definitely worth considering is Icoda. Icoda worked with brands such as Huobi, Nestle, Floki, etc. 

Besides marketing services, Icoda also provides blockchain development services, smart contracts development, CoinMarkepCap listing, and market making. Regarding marketing, their key focus is on influencers and PR solutions. 

Icoda has been working since 2017 and is one of the most experienced marketing agencies in the niche.


Coinbound is an excellent choice for marketing web3 projects. This agency has a strong network of publishers, including such well-known names as Cointelegraph, Decrypt, Investing, Forbes, Beincrypto, and many others.

Coinbound services include PR, social media marketing, influencer marketing, community management, SEO, and lead generation. Moreover, Coinbound has many positive reviews, making it a reliable marketing agency.

Singlegrain is one of the leading marketing agencies in the world, which also covers the crypto industry. Single Grain offers a 360-degree growth plan to scale your community, revenue, and user sign-ups.

Main marketing services include paid advertising, content marketing, and e-commerce solutions. Their working flow assumes a personalized approach and strategy development that correlates with your business goals and objectives.


How to Choose a Blockchain Marketing Agency?

Choosing a blockchain marketing agency is a crucial step requiring a severe approach. Your future performance in marketing depends on your choice, and this is where you have to pay additional attention to the details. There is no doubt that personal communication is one of the critical criteria, but here are a few more aspects you should keep in mind looking for a blockchain marketing agency:


1. Briefing

If the agency does not try to brief you - this is a red flag for you. The briefing is a must-have process for agencies, as they get as much helpful information as possible from the client. With a clear understanding of your case, it will be possible for the agency to reach your goals.


2. Cases

Pay attention to the previous performance of your potential partner. Any reliable agency has a proven track record. Of course, some clients prefer to work with a signed NDA, but this does not prevent agencies from building a case without a client's brand name.


3. Specialization

Some companies have more experience in PPC services, while other agencies pay more attention to PR, Branding, and Influencer marketing. Depending on your goals and requirements, looking for an agency with more expertise in the required fields is essential. 


4. Proposal

A reliable blockchain marketing agency will never make you an offer without a detailed media plan. If the agency comes to you with just a bill for their services - immediately stop the negotiations. Marketing is based on numbers, and professionals will bring you a media plan with a detailed description of expected metrics and results.


5. The cobbler with no shoes

Check out how agencies are doing marketing for themselves. It makes sense to pay attention to social media profiles, organic traffic, the company's blog, email marketing, etc. If the agency cannot handle good marketing for their own business, even more it will not be able to deal with your project.


The Bottom Line

Working with a blockchain marketing agency or building an in-house marketing team depends only on your vision, requirements, goals, and resources. Both options have pros and cons, so consider what you're looking for first. In some cases, you can even combine the work of the internal marketing department and the agency, which is widely spread among some leading fintech companies. Anyway, while choosing the best option for you, remember all the aspects mentioned before that may help you save your budget and improve your performance. 




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