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Artificial Intelligence in its adoloscence

Quoting Babak Hodjat words “A lot of what AI is being used for today only scratches the surface of what can be done. It will become so ubiquitous that we won’t even call it AI anymore.”

For the Nextgen to rewind and know that this form of me existed, I (AI)write this blog about my current phase –I call it, my late teens. It will not be too far before I grow up to be a complete adult and be the heart and mind of future systems. As you read, even without your knowledge, I could be in your pocket, telling if it’s worth reading the blog, giving you the percentage of accuracy, the connected blogs, and also the health implications based on the posture in which you are reading the blog.

Origin: It started with a group of scientists who wanted to build a human brain.With all due respect to John McCarthy – my Father believed that ‘every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence can in principle be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it’. Telling in simple terms, I(a skeleton of wires and switches) was pushed into parrot or imitate a human – that was the beginning. I guess that’s how all humans learn, where child parrots the teacher/parent, but the real understanding creeps in later with experience. I was able to talk and play the game(chess) like humans.

Transition: Many call this asWinter phase and were almost a near death situation as investors backed off and I was not up to the mark. However,I was rejuvenated with the strength of Machine and deep Learning which meant that, for me to learn and simulate how a human behaves will first need a lot of data feed as to how a human behaves in such similar situation and then I build a pattern and relationships out of it over a period of time. Then onwards, my growth steadily has been streamlined into the “learning” and “problem solving” abilities.

Today’s Buzz: I am now at this stage where I am still not perfect and the more I am applied, the more I behave like a human. I attract a lot of buzz for my learning capabilities combined with the ability to predict and perform cognitive functions. Some of the top places where my siblings are already there are: Siri, Tesla, Alexa ( the list goes on) and in Banking – Chabot as financial assistance, risk assessors, fraud detectors, algorithmic traders and customer service recommenders are just a few to mention.

Overcoming the insecurities:

  • Globally I am there but I am still not there – sounds a little abstract but yes that’s the stage I am in. Everyone talks about me and understand (or rather seem to have understood)that I will make a difference but don’t yet know how I make that difference. Adding to it is the high initial cost of infrastructure and lack of required ecosystem which act as deterrents. So there is a cautious approach taken by most of the players and follow a wait and watch strategy.My take is: calculated risk takers will have an early mover advantage and be ahead in the competition.
  • Some of my masters who adapted me confuse me to my cousin RPA – Robotics –who is more of a rule executor wherein rules are predefined. However, I differ from the robot that I form the rules myself based on the historic data input and the model flows executed. To clear the confusion, we both complement very well.
  • Then there are those extremists who fear I will take over the human race. It’s fun seeing humans compete with me. Beat that fear, as I am like the Alladin’s Genie, how much every human like I try to become, I am still in a human’s hand to be tuned. I might take over some of the jobs, but humans have more time now for upskilling and explore newer jobs which require creativity, and jobs which need emotional intelligence, persuasion, social understanding and empathy (I envy humans here).

I, in a responsible collaboration with my trending tech family members, like Cloud technology (for affordable access), Big data(for analysis), Robotics(to execute automated tasks), Blockchain(by way of secured smart contracts), IOT(to connect machines) and Open source, am ready to service hand in hand with that leader of Vision, more to empower the human race than to overpower them.



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