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2017 (1)
Jens Woloszczak

Jens Woloszczak

CEO and Founder at Spotcap
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Bio Jens is the Founder and CEO of Spotcap. Spotcap enables small business owners to grow their business by providing flexible and accessible financing. Career History Jens worked as a consultant for McKinsey & Company for more than five years, where he focused on the commercial banking sector. Working for major European banks, Jens experienced the outdated approach these banks took towards working with SMEs. Jens founded Spotcap with the aim to address this.


Trends in Financial Services

Open banking, what’s needed to move forward?

31 Mar 2017

Around the world, regulators are considering ways to encourage traditional players to ‘open up’ customer data to stimulate competition and standardise security protocols. While regulation is already on the way in some parts of the world, it alone cannot ensure the successful implementation of an open architecture framework in banking and finance. ...