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2024 (1)
Mike Wolfel

Mike Wolfel

CEO at Savana
Message Message me Posts: 1 Comments: 0
Bio As CEO of Savana, Mike is responsible for all company strategy, market execution, and the ongoing evolution of products and services. Career History Prior to joining Savana, Mike acted as SVP and CTO at Epitome Systems, and also served as a consultant and software architect across various industries and verticals.


Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Beyond the Core: Rethinking the Path to Modernization for Banks

28 Mar 2024

Why banks today must think outside the core and adopt a new approach to transformation initiatives For much of the last decade, banking technology modernization has been viewed through a single prism that continues to fall short of progress in keeping pace with evolving consumer expectations. Today, the industry has reached point where it can no lo...