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2022 (2)
Hervé Manceron

Hervé Manceron

CEO at Skaleet
Message Message me Posts: 2 Comments: 0
Bio As a CEO of Skaleet, I'm in charge of developping the activity, transforming the company to become one of major Banking SaaS solution provider in Europe and Africa. Career History Telecom and Banking expertise. Successfull Development of startups. Successfull development of subsidaries throughout Europe. Business in emerging countries (Africa & Latin America).


Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

PaaS: a new technological approach in the payment industry?

16 Jun 2022

Over the last two years, PaaS (Payment-as-a-Service) providers have entered the market at an increasingly rapid pace. As PaaS expands its breadth of cloud-based services to the payment value chain, the question for financial institutions and businesses is how PaaS can help them deliver cutting-edge consumer products and grow within hyper-competiti...