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2022 (1) 2021 (1)
David Royle

David Royle

Partner - Head of Retail and Commercial Banking at Be UK
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Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Your data isn’t rubbish and has real business value…

29 Mar 2022

What does “DATA” mean to you? For many, it’s the mundane and largely irrelevant by-product of day-to-day business operations; for others, it is a responsibility and burden which is time-consuming, problematic and costly to try and keep accurate and meet regulatory requirements; and then there’s those for whom it’s a hugely valuable asset upon whi...


healty banking future

Why is UK retail banking blind to significant cost savings?

25 Nov 2021

As consumers we’re more than happy to hunt out the best mortgage deal, the best utility company to sign up to (now more than ever) and the most competitive motor insurance policy. Thanks to price comparison sites, we’re able to effortlessly benchmark prices and services and reap rewards way in excess of the time they take to execute. So why is it...