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2022 (2)
George Peters

George Peters

Senior Consultant at Be UK
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Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Avoiding Automation Rabbit Holes

25 Feb 2022

How to prevent running into common automation delivery challenges and misconceptions Author: George Peters This is the second and final blog of this two part series on end-to-end automation projects from Be | Shaping the Future UK’s (Be UK) experience. The focus of this blog will be on the common challenges and misconceptions when delivering an aut...

Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Navigating the Key Automation Delivery Phases

18 Jan 2022

An example of a robotics project and its end-to-end delivery roadmap Author: George Peters Automation, artificial intelligence (AI) and straight-through-processing are having a profound effect on the global Financial Services (FS) arena. Very few industries in history have seen such a meteoric rise in popularity, with 76% of senior decision makers ...