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2021 (3)
Christoph Gugelmann

Christoph Gugelmann

CEO at Tradeteq
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What the Suez Canal blockage teaches us about global trade

20 Apr 2021

While the Ever Given has now been dislodged from the Suez Canal and global trade continues to flow, we have all just been treated to a spectacular display of the fragility of global trade. A rogue gust of wind caused the 200,000-tonne barge to lodge itself across the canal, halting approximately 10% of global trade for a week, and the knock-on eff...


Fintechs can play an integral role in the UK’s trade policy

11 Mar 2021

There are many takeaways from the recent review, led by Ron Kalifa, highlighting how the UK can establish its world-leading fintech sector as a strategic asset. One of the more interesting points was the recommendation that fintech form an integral part of trade policy. This comes at a time when governments around the world are looking to reinvigo...

Innovation in Financial Services

The need for a revolution in trade finance

23 Feb 2021

Over the last decade, there’s not a single industry that hasn’t been re-shaped by technology in one form or another. However global trade and trade finance is one of the few exceptions where change has been somewhat slow, but things are changing for the better. As 2021 begins, now is the time for trade finance to double down on technological chang...