Daniel Fasnacht
Accolade: Blog group founder

Daniel Fasnacht

CEO&Founder at EcosystemPartners AG
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Bio Consultant, writer, lecturer in the area of innovation, ecosystems, and digital transformation. Career History 25 years of international experiences in management consulting and banking, see https://linkedin.com/in/danielfasnacht


Asia Financial Services

Banking 4.0: Digital Ecosystems and Super-Apps

08 Jun 2021

Banking 4.0 is characterised by digital innovations, fusing the physical, artificial, and biological worlds, affecting societies, industries, and companies with ever higher speed and intensity. In the process to a new world order with new competitive forces and uncertainty, where goals are continually changing, and resources must be flexibly reor

Trends in Financial Services

Quantum Computing: A Good Investment for Banks

16 May 2021

Artificial intelligence, blockchain and robotics will continue to gain in importance. For the next growth cycle, however, we will need a lot more computing capacity. Computers with conventional transistor technology are reaching their limits. New ideas are needed. 100 years ago, the Russian economist Nikolai Kondratieff divided the economy into 4...

Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Frugal banking - an opportunity to create customer value in the future?

06 Nov 2020

Investments that are necessary to innovate and serve customers are no longer sustainable while COVID-19 hastens the need to exploit the potential of digital innovations. Serving customers accurately during unprecedented times requires a new mindset and business model innovations. If banks respond to customer requirements in completely new special ...

Innovation in Financial Services

The Way Forward: 21 Ideas for Bank Leaders to Boost Business after the Crisis

25 Mar 2020

In the hardest times, there is always a way to get better. With The Way Forward, I’d like to share disruptive changes that shape industries, businesses, and societies in the context of financial services. The 21 notes synthesise the findings of openness, flexibility, and customer-centricity in a digital world driven by platform business models and...