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2019 (3)
Bartlomiej Szymanski

Bartlomiej Szymanski

Business Consultant at Ailleron
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Bio Organize and execute assigned business global initiatives, EMEA & APAC, in the area of remote relationship management with the focus on chat, audio and video collaboration. Formulate recommendations with attention on clients requirements, which strive to demonstrate better customer journeys. Career History Bartek has 15 years expertise in contact center and x-channel development in retail banking, implementing solution which enhance customer satisfaction, generate sale income and ensure cost optimization. Focused on business development (EMEA, APAC) in the area of chat, audio and video channels.


Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Building a communication hub, the technological race among communication platforms providers.

19 Nov 2019

A call center evolved over the 40 last years and became one of the major touch points in the banking sector. The initial idea was to cumulate a workload which previously was processed in different offices and handle incoming customer inquiries by telephone. A second strategy was to utilize call centers for outbound calling which enabled reach out ...

Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Smart selling practices with Virtual Branch Banking - Part 1.

29 Apr 2019

Recently, customers have broad access to knowledge regarding banking products and services. However, when browsing a bank’s website, they often rely on support through remote channels i.e. chat, audio / voice or video. Incorporating virtual branch banking into digital customer journeys mitigates the risk of difficult navigation which can lead to cu...


What are key enhancements provided by Virtual Branch Banking platforms?

11 Apr 2019

Evaluating customer journeys and business models are more relevant than ever. The service model is changing accordingly to sales and service processes which are enabled in digital channels. Regardless many improvements in the area of customer journeys, instant human assistance plays a key role in encouraging customers to use online and mobile bank...