ANZ to issue Baltimore digital certificates

ANZ to issue Baltimore digital certificates

Australia and New Zealand Bank is to introduce digital certification services for its business customers and for securing business-to-business e-commerce transactions globally.

The bank is to use Baltimore’s UniCERT Certificate Management System to issue Identrus compliant digital ID services to its business base. The system will be one of Australia's first large-scale applications of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) technology in the banking sector. PKI solutions employing digital certificates are the globally accepted means by which online authentication and non-repudiable electronic transactions are achieved.

"Our digital certificate technology initiative will enable our business customers to more easily trust and identify potential trading partners across the world," says ANZ head of business ecommerce, Mike Irvine. "Potentially, this facilitates companies opening new markets and carrying out numerous B2B commerce activities - not just financial services - with lower transaction costs."

Baltimore Technologies will host ANZ's Certificate Authorities at its purpose-built PKI data centre in Australia. Although hosted by Baltimore, ANZ owns and controls the technology platform.

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