Point develops retail banking e-CRM package

Point develops retail banking e-CRM package

Point Information Systems has developed e-point Financial Services, a customer relationship management (CRM) solution designed specifically for retail banks.

The solution helps banks identify sales opportunities through built-in cross-selling and up-selling capabilities that queue agents to pitch complementary product lines. Banks are able to integrate key back-office systems and data resources into a "single view" of every interaction a customer has with the organisation. Service representatives in the contact centre and customers accessing information over the Internet have seamless access to all relevant account information and a unified, historic view of each individual's interactions with the bank.

The solution also enables banks to integrate a specific delivery channel into a product or service offering, which can then be priced accordingly. This means a bank can create a complex marketing campaign that utilises a customer's preferred method of contact as the content delivery channel, whether by phone, fax, Web, personal digital assistants (PDA), or WAP phones.

e-point Financial Services' sophisticated analytical capabilities help marketers identify high value customers as campaign targets. The solution also helps limit customer attrition by forecasting possible defections. For example, automatic "alarm signals" are triggered by unusual or large withdrawals, giving the bank time to prevent the possible loss of a customer. And in the event of a customer loss, e-point Financial Services helps banks profile and target competitors and optimise their customer retrieval strategies.

"This product's ability to deliver vastly enhanced cross- and up-selling power, to control and minimise attrition, and give new muscle to `customer-clawback' activities will make a huge difference to banking efficiency and profitability," says Jonathan Clarke, Point's director of financial services.

Unlike most CRM solutions available to retail financial organizations, e-point Financial Services provides rapid implementation capabilities that help banks quickly achieve optimum return on investment, says the company. The product integrates applied CRM processes to support common banking activities such as bill payments, transfers, balance inquiries, and statement requests.

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