Registration has opened for EBAday, the pre-eminent annual event for the European payments industry, which this year will run for two full days from 15-16 June at the North Convention and Congress Centre, Madrid.
The extended conference programme at EBAday 2011 - organised by the Euro Banking Association and Finextra - features keynotes, panel discussions and break-out sessions comprising more than 50 of Europe's leading figures in payments who will discuss new challenges in the transaction business in Europe.
The key topics will be around the driving forces for change in European payments and the strategic and operational choices that European banks face in profitably managing their payment activities.
The top-level seminar programme at EBAday is complemented by a bustling exhibition floor, showcasing the complete spectrum of payment processing services from leading banks, ACHs, technology vendors and consultancies.
After a record-breaking turnout in Luxembourg last year, the EBA and Finextra are preparing for another bumper crowd at this year's event, with top banks taking the lead in support of the event and exhibition floor space selling fast.
To register for the event and get the latest updates on the speaker programme and agenda, go to