Banque CIC (Suisse) signs for Sterci messaging system

Banque CIC (Suisse) has signed for Stelink, the SOA-based financial messaging platform from Sterci.

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Banque CIC (Suisse) signs for Sterci messaging system


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Replacing Banque CIC's Mint platform, Stelink will provide the bank with integrated access to all SwiftNet services, including FIN, RMA, FileAct and InterAct, as well as SIC and Secom Swiss local market clearing infrastructures.

Sterci says that, unlike Mint, the new platform is also compliant with JEE and XML standards.

Roger Buser, member of the management team, Banque CIC (Suisse), says: ""Stelink allows us to integrate the access to all SwiftNet services (FIN, RMA, FileAct, InterAct) together with SIX Swiss services for SIC/EuroSIC and Secom. Stelink also supports the latest XML standards. The Stelink Web Interface facilitates user access at different Banque CIC (Suisse) locations without any deployment effort."

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