Vanguard signs for RSA authentication technology

Vanguard signs for RSA authentication technology

US investment management firm Vanguard is deploying RSA Security's Adaptive Authentication technology in a bid to protect its clients from online fraud and identity theft.

RSA says Vanguard will employ two elements of its Adaptive Authentication application, which is an integrated system created since the vendor acquired New York security software vendor Cyota in 2005.

The technology analyses every online transaction and scores the potential fraud-risk based on a broad range of metrics, including the identity of the user's computer, IP address, geographic location and prior transaction behaviors.

The system also includes site-to-user authentication. Registered users of Vanguard's Web site will be provided with a confidential personal image and a phrase known only to the customer. This image is displayed after the client enters the username during the log on process, thereby authenticating the Vanguard site to the customer and confirming that the site is genuine.

Chris Young, SVP and GM, consumer solutions division, RSA Security, says the technology "works behind-the-scenes to help protect end-users, while simultaneously providing customers with peace of mind by authenticating the investment firm's Web site to the user".

Tim Thornton, Vanguard's head of Web services, comments: "RSA Security has a well-earned reputation for its online account authentication system and we're pleased to incorporate its additional layers of account security to further protect our growing number of users."

Last month US data storage provider EMC Corporation signed a deal acquire Massachusetts-based RSA Security in an all-cash deal worth around $2.1bn.

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