Jack Henry & Associates to distribute RSA authentication technology

Jack Henry & Associates to distribute RSA authentication technology

US financial technology house Jack Henry & Associates is to distribute RSA Security's online authentication technology to the 1500 financial institutions that use its Internet banking software.

Under the deal Jack Henery will roll out RSA's Adaptive Authentication technology - which is an integrated system created since the vendor acquired New York security software vendor Cyota in 2005 - to its bank clients.

The system analyses every online transaction and scores the potential fraud-risk based on a broad range of metrics, including the identity of the user's computer, IP address, geographic location and prior transaction behaviors. Additional authentication is required - in real-time - for high-risk transactions, either in the form of a phone call or secret questions.

Tony Wormington, president of Jack Henry, says the technology "ensures that our customers will be in compliance with recent regulatory guidance, while enjoying the most comprehensive authentication solution in production".

RSA says partnering with Internet banking providers like Jack Henry is a key goal for the company.

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