Dresdner Bank rolls out SunGard's Mint

Dresdner Bank rolls out SunGard's Mint

Dresdner Bank, part of Germany's Allianz Group, is deploying SunGard Business Integration's Mint software to consolidate its financial messaging operations and manage its migration to the SwiftNet IP network.

The bank says it needed a system able to consolidate network operations for multiple SwiftNet application services such as Fin, generic FileAct/InterAct, Crest, FIX, Euroclear and Clearstream.

Following the implementation, the global traffic of the whole Allianz group companies will be processed centrally by Mint.

Gert Ulott, head of the department responsible for global Swift connectivity and Swift IT at Dresdner Bank, says the bank evaluated 10 different solutions for the move to SwiftNet.

"Mint turned out to be our preferred solution because it is open to all possible SwiftNet connectivity solutions and because of SunGard's commitment to deliver ready-to-use adaptors for major market infrastructures," says Ulott.

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