Swedbank agrees exclusive telecomms deal with TeliaSonera

Swedbank agrees exclusive telecomms deal with TeliaSonera

Swedbank (FöreningsSparbanken) and the independent savings banks in Sweden have chosen domestic PTT TeliaSonera to provide a new communications platform comprising data networks, fixed and mobile telephony and connections, and service contracts.

The banks, which have 825 branch offices in Sweden, previously used different providers for telephony and data communications.

Under the three-year agreement, Swedbank's current datacom solution will be migrated to a modern MPLS environment, which supports IP telephony, among other applications.

Gert Engman, vice president and CIO at Swedbank, says: "TeliaSonera offers attractive prices for telephony and provides excellent network coverage for mobile telephony. We're now purchasing a complete packaged solution from TeliaSonera instead of buying individual services from different operators."

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