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989 Results from 2010

Atso Andersen

Atso Andersen Head of Corporate Relations at Aalto University

INET of NasdaqOMX will blow up Nordic trading?

Compare share turnover ratios of Nasdaq US and NasdaqOMX Nordic exchanges: 1040% vs. 140% in October 2009 (see figure here). Trading is seven times more active in the Nasdaq US. Spring 2010 will bring the same technology to Nordic exchanges where the same large international players are already present. Shall we see some heavy trading in previousl...

Cedric Pariente

Cedric Pariente Stanford Certified Project Manager at EFFI Consultants

Social Suicide 2.0

As a TODO in your 2010 new resolutions, you might want to take control over your internet public image. But the process of "unfriending" a lot of people and/or deleting accounts seems to be a big hurdle? The solution has just arrived They do the job for you! The remove EVERYTHING related to you over the socia...

/security Online Banking

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Is it just me or has online banking got worse?

I recently had the misfortune to receive a chip and pin card reader to use with my Smile account and in a stroke the entire banking experience has been ruined. It's fiddly to use and generally annoying - particularly when I log in at work and don't have it with me. What I find baffling is that I have to use it whenever I make a bill payment. Now I ...

Nick Ogden

Nick Ogden Chairman at Ogden Research

Voice Verification versus Voice Recognition

At the start of a new decade there still seems to be confusion between these two terms with many people using them interchangeably - so here’s the distinction set out plainly: Voice recognition, also known as speech recognition, converts spoken words or phrases to text which is then processed by a computer to recognise what is being said. Unfortuna...

/security /payments Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

So far, so bad...

It seems wrong to start the New Year on a sour note, but as we approach the two-year anniversary of the SEPA Credit Transfer (SCT) go-live, it’s hard to find a silver lining to this particular cloud. The latest figures from August 2009 show that the share of SCT in the inter-bank domain as a percentage of total volume of credit transfers has hit 4....


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

ID Theft Is Set To Rise On The Heels Of The Recession

Jay McDonald from does a great job of summarizing Identity Theft Predictions for 2010. “Like wolves to injured prey, identity thieves are out to turn the recession struggles of average Americans to their own advantage. “In my adult life, I’ve never seen more varations of old scams and the degree of sophistication in newer scams,” ...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

PC Worlds Top 10 Security Nightmares of the Decade

The last decade we have seen technological breakthroughs unlike any other. In response we have seen a tremendous rise in fraud. The reason? The speed of the conveniences technology have far outpaced the security of technology. PC World puts out their list: Cyberwar: In February 2000, a Canadian teenager named Mafiaboy used automated floods of inc...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

5 Tips to Credit Card Identity Theft Prevention

In a recent article in Computer World, Tom Patterson CSO of Magtek, with his Glamor Shot photo, provides “5 counter-fraud tips you’ve never been told”. Anything a consumer can do to reduce their risk for account takeover, they should exercise. While in most cases the consumer isn’t responsible for the losses, as long as you refute the fraud in a ...

/security /regulation

Michael Fuller

Michael Fuller Former Retail Banker at None

Citi Cards UK direct debit failure

Citi Cards UK today admitted to me that they had failed to collect direct debits on a number of customer credit card accounts the result of which was that a £12 late payment fee has been applied. Fortunately I noticed the fee when checking my account on-line and was able to contact Citi straight away to get them to put it right. The Direct Debit sh...

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