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1013 Results from 2011

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Managing A Digital Life: Teachers Friending Kids

Teachers in numerous Massachusetts cities and towns are not allowed to “friend’’ students on Facebook or other social networking sites, and a number of other school districts south of Boston are considering a similar ban. The Boston Globe reports that many communities are working on policies governing school staff’s use of Facebook, “inspired in p...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

New Business Opportunities in Egypt

WelI you can guess what I'm going to write about. The North of Africa is hotter than the deserts that fringe it. Even in Cairo despite hundreds of thousands being in the streets the citizens confess they hardly noticed the rain and snow falling. The coming hours and days will determine the fate of not Egypt but perhaps those who try to prevent the ...


Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

BYO iPhone? No worries, we expected that.

I have had a number of interesting chats with IT, information security and risk people about BYO (bring your own) technology and devices, and collaborative social sharing software, lately. (they were part of the non-editorial part of my job, so I can't spill the identity beans-yes, I know, it pisses me off too) Anyway, we all know the considered a...

/regulation /wholesale Finance 2.0

Retired Member

Retired Member 

A feint towards iPhone in the enterprise

Deutsche Bank trial iPhone usage. It’s an interesting commentary but I think the highlight of the story is missing from this article. As per many organisations running trials with the type of software supplied by Good technology, this is aimed at supplying a secure route to corporate information (email, intranet etc) in a sand-boxed App on devi

Innovation in Financial Services

Stephen Wilson

Stephen Wilson Managing Director at Lockstep Consulting

Are banks ready for the new identity ecosystem?

The National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC) released by the Whitehouse last month, is a proposal for a new “ecosystem” of diverse Internet IDs. It is the latest incarnation of Federated Identity, where identification established with one service provider can be re-used with other services. In the words of Whitehouse cyber...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

If FaceBook can invent its own money--Why can't you?

The idea of a virtual marketplace is no longer new--companies like Second Life have already proven the viability of creating money out of nothing. Last year, Second Life's user-to-user transactions topped $567 million in real U.S. currency and their users, known as residents, cashed out $55 million in real Second Life earnings. That's a whole lot...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Steve Dance

Steve Dance Managing Partner at RiskCentric

Groupthink - our biggest challenge

A short trip around the Finextra website can clearly demonstrate that there's no shortage of potential solutions to support the risk identification and management process. There's systems, tools and advice available in spades. So why, with all of this help available, do crises occur? I'm convinced that it's attitude, not the lack of systems, tha...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Tribe relationship management

Ever since I started working in the banking space – and that is, despite my young looks, quite a while ago – customer relationship management has been the holy grail for many a customer or prospect. Remember that period around the dotcom crash when everyone was implementing the latest CRM system? I can’t even remember the name of those companies n...

Dave Pearson

Dave Pearson Lead Solution Consultant at ACI Worldwide

Cutting channel costs key to profitability

The Efma and Finalta report builds a strong case for reducing branch networks and concentrating on lower cost channels. This not only saves banks money, but also takes into account the ways in which consumers want to conduct their banking. However, shifting customer interactions away from the branch office to phone and online banking has created ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

OTC clearing...who's afraid of the regulators?

According to the latest reports, the European Central Bank (ECB) is once again asserting its right to be more closely involved in shaping the OTC derivatives and clearing regulations. I, for one, would welcome greater involvement and oversight from the central bank. The ECB has every right to be included in any regulatory talks concerning, well, m...


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