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989 Results from 2010

Cedric Pariente

Cedric Pariente Stanford Certified Project Manager at EFFI Consultants

How to Crack WiFi Network - Video Tutorial

This is a video on how to hack a wireless network. As mentioned on Lifehacker where I found this video, this is a purely educational post. Be aware that wireless networks are not secure. Lifehacker post

/security Online Banking

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Interesting Interview with 419'er

Here is an interesting interview with someone who claims to be a former Nigerian 419 scammer, who was recently released from prison. Note that this person's identity is unverified, so apply usual caveats to the material (and read some of the comments on pt2). To condense some of the figures - roughly 1% of the people targetted responded to an adva...

Michael Fuller

Michael Fuller Former Retail Banker at None

3-D Insecure -possible heresy

It's interesting both that there have been no comments so far about this story and that there are quite a number of other blogs where the value of 3-D secure has been questioned. This seems to be an example of the Emperor's new clothes where everyone knows he is naked but won't admit it. My experience of 3-D secure tends to support the Cambridge


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Rugby 6 Nations 2010: Finextra Fantasy League

It's time again for the RBS 6 nations. This year is set to be a particularly close tournament with France as the bookies favourite at 13/8. Second favourites are the Irish (5/2), looking to make history and become the only team to win two Grand Slams on the trot - a feat the Welsh couldn't quite achieve last year. Joint third favourites are the We...


Retired Member

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Scoop of your own data on top?

A recent FTfm article reminds me of how the shift of power between funds and investors has turned the reporting function into an ice cream shop – any flavour, any size, whenever the customer wants. But what if your customers like their toppings instead of yours? I’m talking about the client’s own data. Many investors want to add their own data int...

/regulation Data Management 101

Paul Love

Paul Love VP Business Development at Konsentus

Where next for contactless?

In the last week or so we have seen announcements from PKO Bank Polski and Intesa Sanpaolo about their plans to roll out contactless to their customers, with PKO Polski reporting that 6 million cards will be replaced in the project. However, there do seem to be mixed views in the market about the short to medium term growth of contactless. While so...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Apple iPad Executive Summary

This executive summary should save you 90 minutes of watching the apple keynote video. Corporate Update - Apple Inc now has - 3 online stores now - apps, itunes and new ibooks store 12 billion downloads to date - across all products, tunes, books, apps 3 billion app downloads in 18 months since appstore launched 140,000 apps available on ...

Transaction Banking

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

e-banking high up

What are Internet users doing on the net? A new study (Redera) produced the following for Finland: - looking for information 97% - e-banking 95% - customer feedback 76% - public sector services 71% - shopping 70% - inquiries (about merchandi...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Luck of the Irish

Looks like it’s Ireland’s turn to run the gauntlet with the MTF community. Pretty much all the MTFs - Chi-X, BATS, NASDAQ OMX Europe and Turquoise - have announced that they will be trading Irish stocks from now on. For this reason we have now included the Irish Stock Exchange (ISE) and its accompanying index (ISEQ) on the FFI website. A quic

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Male vs female boss

I recently asked a simple question to readers of my blog - do you prefer a male or female boss? With all the stories about female on female bullying and the lack of women in leadership positions, I thought this was a very relevant question. The result? Almost half (44%) said they preferred a male boss. So does that mean the majority preferred a f

Women in Technology

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