1077 Results from 2016
Retired Member
After a hectic 2016, chief risk officers will be hoping for a quiet wind-down to the year and a high-performing, risk-managed 2017. But what do they need this Christmas in order to have a successful 2017? Top of each CRO’s wish list is speed. Companies need to accelerate customer onboarding and are continuously striving to improve the customer expe...
09 December 2016 /regulation
Alexander Mifsud Co-Founder and CEO at Weavr.io
Commercial card payments have failed to take off, despite significant potential benefits for suppliers, buyers, and card providers. Today, only some 2% of global business spend is captured on card. Next generation virtual payments platforms will transform commercial card payments if they enable three winning strategies to counter today’s barriers t...
09 December 2016
Cyberattacks and breaches have grown in frequency, and losses are on the rise. In 2015 the number of U.S. data breaches continued to break records with 781 reported where the number of records exposed was about 169 million records, according to the Identity Theft Resource Center. For a more global view, as of the first half of 2016 there were 97...
08 December 2016 /security /regulation Innovation in Financial Services
This was originally posted November 21, 2016 in the TradeTalk blog on TT's web site. Share Here we are again. Just when we all thought we had it figured out, the election whizzed on the electric fence. Now it is time for the long awaited December FOMC meeting. I’ve written before about positive expected value and a process focused trading discipli...
08 December 2016 /regulation
So, what will the branch of the future be like? There is no single answer to this question. Each bank will define its own model, depending on its DNA, its target socioeconomic segment(s), its geographical and cultural locations, and more. The change will affect the nature and function of the branch itself, and will involve integrating the bank’s c...
07 December 2016 /retail
Nanda Kumar CEO at SunTec Business Solutions
The internet looks set to advise many aspects of our lives from the moment we wake up in the morning until the moment we go to sleep. Even the humble toaster can be connected to a wireless network whilst heating up bread for our breakfast. Since the inception of Internet of Things (IoT), over 50 billion devices have been connected to the internet...
Only a few months ago, blockchain was considered a bit geeky, and known mainly in crypto-hacking and techno-banking circles. Critics said it was a technology in search of use cases. Whilst it’s hardly widely-adopted, blockchain certainly found its feet in 2016, and we’re now seeing banks experimenting with a variety of POC use cases around interna...
07 December 2016
We need to accelerate TMS roadmaps and increase the agility of the big investments we’ve made in these systems As the backbone of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) deployments for more than 15 years now, Transaction Monitoring Systems (TMS) are heavily relied upon throughout the enterprise. The standard method of detecting illicit activity is by runnin...
06 December 2016 /regulation
You can say what you like about 2016 but it’s unlikely to be forgotten. Whereas the memory of most years quickly blur, there’s little doubt that the one just passed will be vividly remembered for a host of different reasons. Politically and culturally more has changed in the past twelve months than has done so in, arguably, the previous decade and...
06 December 2016 /retail
Additional stringent know your customer (KYC) regulation comes into effect in the US in spring 2018. The new rules concern ‘beneficial ownership’ – institutions will have to discover ‘ownership’ – defined as direct or indirect ownership of 25 per cent or more – of the customer ‘entity’ (such as a company) and who is in ‘control’ of the funds. The i...
06 December 2016 /security /regulation
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