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A Finextra Member

Are we there yet? The journey towards the connected car

It might sound absurd, but your car probably knows you better than your friends do. Like an airplane’s black box, it knows your reaction times as well as how fast and how aggressively you tend to driv...

15 Jun 2017
A Finextra Member

Are Open APIs the Stairway to the New Payments Ecosystem?

Losing yourself in music is something that everyone should do at least once a day. The freedoms that it affords one’s mind cannot be understated. In my eclectic (and eternal) playlist, there is one so...

15 Jun 2017
Ivy Schmerken

Ethical FX via the Global Code

Foreign exchange participants are getting a crash course in ethical behavior. With the release of the FX Global Code for the wholesale foreign exchange market last month, the FX industry is counting o...

14 Jun 2017
A Finextra Member

Relocation, Relocation, Relocation

Almost every day another story appears in the ongoing tug-of-war between Europe and the UK over euro clearing. And, of course, the story is given extra poignancy when viewed through the varifocal lens...

14 Jun 2017
Sameer Singh Jaini

Lending API-fied : Start of P2P Lending Revolution

National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) has revolutionised Indian Payment Industry and has removed friction. Newer payments platforms like IMPS, UPI, BBPS etc have solved payment and collection ...

14 Jun 2017
Robert Siciliano

Getting Owned or Pwned SUCKS!

A well done New York Times article recently re-introduced this topic to the masses. Being “owned” isn’t new, but the term is not becoming part of popular culture. If you use the internet or are often ...

13 Jun 2017
Jonathan Westley

It’s not just for kids: Homework for financial providers during My Money Week

This week is the 9th annual ‘My Money Week’, the national activity week for primary and secondary schools that aims to improve the skills, knowledge and confidence of the younger generation in money m...

13 Jun 2017
Sameer Singh Jaini

Digital Transformation : Blood, Sweat and Respect

Blood, Sweat and Respect. First Two You Give, Last One You Earn” Dwayne Johnson Banking industry is undergoing massive transformation in multiple areas. Never in history were banks experiencing this l...

13 Jun 2017
Innovation in Financial Services
A Finextra Member

Can Technology Prevent a Global Food Crisis?

Over the last century, the global population has quadrupled, from 1.8 billion people in 1915 to 7.3 billion today – and it’s still growing. This growth has caused an increase in demand for food, whic...

12 Jun 2017
Nanda Kumar

The challenges banks are facing with Open Banking

Banking in the modern world Pairing technology and money is very common, we are used to hearing about the vast sums being pumped into Silicon Valley start-ups. What is less common is technology and ‘m...

12 Jun 2017
Alex Kreger

User Experience Design and Behaviour Psychology Can Grow FinTech and Banking Products Sales

Every day, millions of people, both offline and online, do not make their desired purchases. Unfortunately, financial services is no exception. Let's try to figure out how businesses lose prospective ...

12 Jun 2017
Innovation in Financial Services
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Blockchain and package tracking: a win-win situation!

Nowadays many people buy – sometimes or more frequent – articles online. Waiting for a package to be delivered however could be frustrating. These are delivered via postal services and/or courier comp...

11 Jun 2017

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