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Apple’s Dictatorship Erupts New Challenges for iOS Swift Development Companies

Swift is best known for being expressive and concise, and with the latest available update, i.e., Swift 4, with attributes like backward source code compatibility, an efficient bug tracker, mailing lists, and regular development builds, pursuing iOS development becomes easier and faster. It also makes programming more fun. However, in the wake of some nasty surprises that are expected to come along with iOS 11, iOS app developers are likely to encounter a tough time ahead.  Here is a glimpse of that.

Cancellation of Third-Party Login Via Social Account

This could sound utterly insane to many. Apple in its 11th iOS release is likely to put an end to this favorite method that enables iOS users to get registered with any third-party apps using their social account like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. So iOS Swift developers might get a new task at hand as how to streamline the registration, signup or signin processes. Probably, Gordon Kelly, a tech writer at Forbes see the omission of this functionality  as a frustrating move by Apple as in absence of social integration, users will be required to follow the conventional browser-based methods to access an app content or services. This is likely to jeopardise the customer acquisition endeavors.

So what would replace the social account functionality? The picture stays blur yet, but some experts believe that Apple may bring Apple ID-based password manager into the role. Whatever it will be, but it’s definitely to add woes to the iOS app development with Swift as developers have been doing it for quite some time. Twitter integration has been part of iOS app development since 2011, Facebook integration since 2012, and Flickr and Vimeo since 2013 with the release of iOS 7.

Twitter integration has been part of iOS for six years since iOS 5 in 2011, Facebook support was added in 2012 (iOS 6) and Flickr and Vimeo in 2013 (iOS 7). Now it looks like users will have to rely on logging in via a web browser and then being redirected to the third party app.

Support Cut off for Legacy Devices & Apps

iOS 11 is expected to keep iPhone 5, iPhone 5C and iPad 4th Generation out of its support portfolio. Apple already provided a hint to it in its WWDC 2017 event organized at San Jose, California. It seems Apple Think Tank is committed to show exit gate to 32-bit apps as iOS users are already receiving pop warning that says that 32-bit version will no longer work with the upcoming iOS version.

This is a big disappointment for not just those old device consumers but also for businesses or vendors catering to their varying needs through iPhone or iPad apps. It’s no brainer to conclude that this will alienate a big chunk of consumers from their vendors or brands as these devices have a 32-bit processor which is incompetent in running 64-bit apps. So in the context of iOS app development we can say that new challenges are in store.  Developers rapidly need to make coding changes to their 32-bit apps to make them support the 64-bit architecture.


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