1270 Results from 2013
Retired Member
The Volcker rule, codified as part of the Dodd-Frank Act, pertains to all depository institutions and those affiliated with or regulated as banks (“banking entities”). The rule, now finalized by all five applicable federal agencies, prohibits banking entities from engaging in proprietary or own-account trading of certain securities, derivatives an...
16 December 2013 /regulation
Last year, my magic crystal balls helped me get 6 out of 7 predictions right. Let's see if I can do even better this year. As a quick summary, my predictions for 2014 are based on proliferation of alternative form factors (wearables and uber-wallets) that combine several interfaces (BLE, NFC and GSM) to disrupt major use cases (mobile payments in p...
16 December 2013 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted
Many of you signed up to watch and take part in our live webcast looking at global transaction banking in 2014. We asked our esteemed panel to close off our discussion with their top predictions for next year. It is not surprising that the ‘three Cs’ – consolidation, collaboration and competition—all featured heavily in our panel's crystal ball g...
16 December 2013 /wholesale Future Finance
Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at Safr.me
Identity theft can involve children. In fact, it’s a growing problem. The thief takes a child’s Social Security number and either uses their name or assigns it to a different name and always changes the date of birth. So 2 year old Sally is now 22 and has a Benz. The thief then uses this new identity for job applications, loans or government benef...
16 December 2013 /security
The House of Commons European Scrutiny Committee has published a report which includes the Government’s views on the proposed Regulation to amend the transposition date of Solvency II to 31 January 2015 and set new repeal date for Solvency II of 1 January 2016. The Government is in favour of the proposed changes to the dates in the Solvency II Dir...
16 December 2013 Financial Services Regulation
After 18 years of economic development, China’s Tier 2 Banks, mainly city commercial banks, are growing to fill a gap in-between state-owned banks, and rural commercial banks. As part of their growth, many city commercial banks are attempting to expand their branches in other regions, however, the Chinese Banking Regulatory Committee (CBRC) regula...
14 December 2013 Future Finance
The recent Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) Trade Reporting Seminar featured a surprise announcement surrounding EMIR trade reporting requirements. Contrary to popular belief, the FCA declared that it expects firms to immediately report trades opened since 16 August 2013 (the EMIR start date) that ...
13 December 2013 /regulation
The Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) has updated its Solvency II news webpage to detail that, on 8 November 2013, it had sent a request to firms in the internal model approval process (IMAP) for a smaller volume of data for the mid-year calculation of the early warning indicators (EWIs). This information will add to the year-end 31 December 2...
13 December 2013 Financial Services Regulation
Dirk Kinvig Web Services Manager at Finextra
It's nearly Christmas but that doesn't mean that I've been allowing the Web Team to slacken off! Today,We have put into place the infrastructure for Finextra Community Members to personalise their blog and Profile pages. What this means is that, early in the New Year, we will allow users to alter the background colour of their blog and profile page...
13 December 2013 Finextra site news
Matt Dolton CEO at Kynetix
Even after all these years many organisations have not yet managed to get their back-office processes as slick as the front office, especially when it comes to managing exceptions in post-trade processing of derivatives. With regulatory bodies around the globe placing ever increasing emphasis on operational risk for derivatives (both ETD and OTC), ...
12 December 2013 /regulation
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