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1205 Results from 2008

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Protecting costs OR consumers?

Had a discussion last week with a representative of a consumer organization at a conference in Brussels. It did strike me - again - how little interest these organizations have to further cost cutting in enterprises - in this case by moving to e-invoicing. The cost of paper invoicing to the consumer segment in EU can be estimated to over 40bn€ a y...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Forcing Banks to Lend Part 3

If anyone needed convincing that interfering with 'proper' lending decisions by forcing banks to lend makes things worse, they need only look at the latest HBOS numbers. Huge increases in bad debts from dodgy loans and yet the authorities here want them to turn the taps on again...? At the moment, a lending banker must surely be asking searching ...

/regulation /retail Transaction Banking

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Too big to fail?

Too big to fail = you and I pay for Bank’s losses How can we call this free markets when the big banks are being underwritten by the governments?! Ah, but they are too big to fail because if one were to fail they would all come down like a pack of cards - this seems to be the consensus response. It sounds like someone’s been held to ransom - we

Elton Cane

Elton Cane Digital product delivery at News Corp Australia

Linking investment bank remuneration to risk assumption.

Earlier this week The Guardian had an interesting piece on the bonus culture at investment banks. The Financial Services Authority has written to the chief executives of major firms to urge them to review pay policies to ensure they take account of the risks being run by traders. And UBS is already moving in this direction by devising a system th...

/regulation /wholesale Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 


The gender pay gap and the lack of female managers are both issues that need to be solved. One reason for these situations is that many women leave the workforce, or reduce their responsibility within it, because of family commitments. It’s therefore great to see that more employers than ever are embracing flexible working practices to enable moth...

Women in Technology

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

SEPA; a spectacular failure of misunderstanding

Despite what you hear and read about SEPA it is a fact that it has failed to achieve any notable volume since it went live. At a recent conference chaired by yours truly a number of eminent speakers from the upper echelons of banking finally agreed in public under examination that there has only been 2.5% of possible volume of SEPA Credit Transfer...

/regulation /sibos EBAday

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Need a new PC? Make do and mend.

A couple of weeks ago a friend called me, worried that after clicking on a link in an email seemingly via Facebook from a friend she knew, "some virus thing came up" and the PC was now really slow. I took a look, expecting the worst. AVG was installed and had half a dozen suspects in the virus vault, but there was no other evidence of in...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

One Million Jobs Lost Globally - More To Come

In September, I blogged here on Finextra saying (paraphrased) 'sell NOW, we have already, it is going to get a lot more ugly and could be worse than 1929'. By my count the global job losses (based on a pretty quick scan, it is probably a lot more) is over 1m now, mostly in recent months. I've put the full list up below but the finextra site still ...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

What Do You Want In Identity?

I thought I'd start again with a theoretical discussion to try and stimulate a little thought on what we want from 'identity'. What is identity? Answers gives us: The collective aspect of the set of characteristics by which a thing is definitively recognizable or known (by others). The set of behavioral or personal characteristics by which an ind...


Steve Ellis

Steve Ellis Founder at Finextra Research

Dick Hardt: Mr Identity 2.0 joins Microsoft

Given the subject of identity comes up fairly frequently within the Finx blogs, especially in relation to security, it may be of interest to know that Microsoft has hired Dick Hardt to support its efforts to solve identity management problems. Dick explains his move here. Dick Hardt sprang to wider fame when he delivered the infamous (as in infam...

/security Finance 2.0

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