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989 Results from 2010

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Debunking the HFT myth

I came across an interesting paper the other day published by GETCO: A Modern Market Maker’s Perspective on the European Financial Markets Regulatory Agenda. The HFT community has come in for quite a bit of stick recently and so it was refreshing to see an intelligent and well argued explanation of its role in today’s financial markets. One of the...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Former Goldman Programmer Convicted

Apparently 'a gentleman' at all times (FBI) the fellow has been found guilty of theft of trade secrets and transportation of stolen property. After a two week trial into IP involving a millionth of a second in trading and a short jury deliberation he was found guilty and awaits sentencing. See the original story.

/security Whatever...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Can the Financial System Withstand Cyber Attack?

I report what I predict and what I observe. Risk managers should consider the risk of widespread adoption of sentiments in line with this post to an infosec site. Who would have predicted this? Will revelations about the financial industry about to be wikileaked add fuel to the fire? The kids are apparently not the only ones with ideas. I would as...

/regulation Whatever...

Douwe Lycklama

Douwe Lycklama Founding partner at INNOPAY

eSEPA: Online merchants speak up

ECB is putting up more pressure on the banking sector regarding online and mobile payments in their recently published 7th progress report: online payments have to be solved for Europe. In every debate on this topic I dearly miss the customer voice! In payments there are always two customers (buyers and sellers) but in the case of online payments

/payments EBAday

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Mistakes made in wikileaks case

If anyone thinks that the newspapers of the world aren't going to print embarrassing secrets and that disgruntled observers of dishonourable behaviour won't be compelled to reveal it then stop reading now. The danger that is greater is that the US and US financial institutions will reveal their lack of cyber defenses over a horse that has bolted.


Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

Mob rule, mass transit and plastic cards

I've written before how groupthink, not only makes my skin crawl, but is counterproductive to innovation (it is the grit that makes the pearl, remember). But I've been thinking a lot about herd behaviour lately. I have a natural revulsion to following the crowd. How easy my life would be if I just cut & pasted popular opinion, without critique...

Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

Lucky to be a customer? Not at Metro bank

I met yesterday with the inimitable Vernon Hill, founder of Metro Bank, and with Metro's Chairman and co-founder, Anthony Thomson. It is interesting to hear Hill's view of why Metro is able to dominate in respect to the 'customer service' space in the UK branch market. Hill postulates that despite many banks rhetoric around being customer centered...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

World Leaders vs Wikileaks Scoreboard

It seems an appropriate time to start a scoreboard, seeing as every other conflict gets one. I was thinking Presidents, Ex-presidents, Bank Presidents, Prime Ministers and perhaps Senators would be sufficient for one side of the field and perhaps wikileakers on the other. Should we count loss of position or only actual imprisonment? Perhaps a try f...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

EC's 16 actions towards massive e-invoicing adoption

In 2020 e-invoicing has to be the predominant method of invoicing in Europe, according to European Commission. In its Communication ‘Reaping the benefits of electronic invoicing for Europe’ and in its Decision ‘Setting up the European Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Electronic Invoicing’, the EC sets out several actions to reach its 2020 vision. Unde

Innovation in Financial Services

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

ISO-standard for e-invoicing getting support

Support for implementation of first global ISO-standard is starting to appear - also in Russia. And by SWIFT: It so makes sense for countries that have not yet created dominating local standards to go directly for the global one (we are all heading for it anyway). Why waste time – a lot of t...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

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