1270 Results from 2013
Retired Member
I wrote earlier this week about Financial Transaction Taxes and why the regulators’ ‘rationale’ for these taxes is either misplaced or disingenuous. An even more extreme example, however, was pointed out to me the other day concerning that other controversial topic, dark pool trading. As part of our regular analysis we pointed out that European da...
25 October 2013 /regulation
The 2013 Efma-Infosys study on Innovation in Retail Banking clearly establishes that banks are increasing investments in innovation, drawing up detailed strategies to make those investments work, and defining metrics to determine if outcomes are delivering business value. But the study also reveals that there are some significant obstacles that st...
25 October 2013
Few initiatives in the past couple of years have captured the attention of China’s financial services community more than the recently opened Shanghai Free Trade Zone. Situated in the eastern part of Shanghai and encompassing 29km2 of land which, like the rest of Pudong, was all farmland as little as ten years ago. The Zone to Rule all Zones Depen...
25 October 2013 Future Finance
As the recent National Security Agency scandal has highlighted, the surveillance of citizens and business by governments and regulatory bodies is as contentious as ever. In their own way, banks have been grappling with this issue ever since the FCA mobile taping regulation was introduced. Two years after the FCA made all mobile communications reco...
24 October 2013 /regulation
Having been repeatedly urged into taking up some physical exercise, I finally succumbed to marital pressure and went for a run this morning. During that run it came to me that my condition is not that different from a typical legacy IT system I encounter on a regular basis. We both are born from passion, nurtured and developed with the best intent...
Do you remember that kid that always had the newest gadgets and gizmos first? Everyone had one in their circle of friends in school – they were the first ones to be in the know about the latest innovations, the first ones to have a smartphone and the first ones to tweet. The rest of the gang stood back, eyeing the new technology suspiciously and l...
24 October 2013
Enrico Camerinelli Supply Chain Blockchain Personal Coach at Aite Group
Large corporations are today cash rich and their treasurers are accountable for utilizing at best those assets. Preservation of capital rather than pure yield gauges the success of corporate treasurers’ decisions. These objectives and constraints are not so dissimilar from what wealth managers experience when servicing at best their clients. I ant...
24 October 2013 /wholesale Treasury Management
The intent is definitely there and so are the strategies and investments to realize it. The metrics are in place to assess performance and over three-quarters of the respondents indicate that they are getting better at it. That, in short, is the current status of banking innovation according to the 5th edition of the annual Efma-Infosys Innovation...
Alex Bray AVP, Omni-Channel Acquisition & Servicing at Genpact
In February, the release of Google Glass to developers was greeted with much fanfare in the press and excitement in the blogosphere. So, was this all puff? What has happened since? Well, there is no doubt that it is still early days. After all, the actual device is not going to be commercially available until 2014. However, there are already some i...
23 October 2013 Innovation in Financial Services
Tushar Chitra Vice President, Product Strategy and Marketing at Oracle Financial Services Software
Are you corporate clients demanding a more holistic treasury solution? The global economy is in a state of flux. International trade has been beset by the extreme volatility of currencies. Following the US government shutdown, the US Dollar fell to an eight-month low. This was preceded by the weakening of currencies in emerging markets such as Ind...
23 October 2013 Future Finance
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