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1270 Results from 2013

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The little blue pill for ageing systems

In recent months we have been exploring ways of extending the working life of systems whilst requiring minimal outlay from our clients. Fortunately there appears to be a solution applicable to some types of legacy systems; Solid State Disks (SSDs). Few business lines have the luxury of utilising the latest and greatest cache-based technology soluti...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Belt Tightening Tips for the Frugal Mom

If you are a Mom chances are you already have an honorary degree in household finance management. After all it tends to be the Mom who is in charge of some of the important stuff like the groceries, clothing, sundries and housekeeping supplies. Among the many accolades that a certified Mom can claim, complex inventory management is one of them. An...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

ESMA publishes 19 responses to EMIR consultation

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has published the responses received to its consultation on the draft regulatory technical standards implementing the provisions of the European Markets Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) related to over-the-counter (OTC) derivative transactions by non-EU counterparties aimed at preventing attempt...

Financial Services Regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

What is Business or Commercial Identity Theft?

Business or commercial identity theft happens when thieves use an existing business’ name to get credit, or they may bill a business’ clients for products and services. Sometimes the Social Security number of a company’s officer or another representative is required to commit business identity theft. A big problem is that identifiers, such as fede...


Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

Why digital revenue is absolutely critical for banks

Mobile use is exploding in the banking scene. If you are a retail bank today in the developed world and you don’t have an app for your customers, you are increasingly becoming an exception. Certainly almost every bank in the world today has some form of Internet website and Internet banking capability. However, for most banks, the web and mobile a...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Regulation: the key to FS Innovation?

Picture the scene - the telephone rings as you close the front door, and you rush to answer it, only to be greeted by a recorded message uttering the immortal words in flat, dreary tones: “Have you been missold PPI in the last 12 months?”. It’s a situation we’re all familiar with and since the Financial Services Authority (FSA) decided to fine a n...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Integration fatigue

In recent years the financial sector has experienced a backlash of criticism. The credit crunch has left consumers feeling untrusting of banks, fearful of losing assets to incompetency. Recent software glitches and loss of data has heightened this doubt. RBS and Natwest outages earlier on in the year left customers unable to obtain their cash, mak...

David Divitt

David Divitt Senior Fraud Product Manager at VocaLink

Lifecycle of a fraud

Card fraud is a massive problem around the world, costing banks and consumers time and money. Even when we seem to be making headway the criminals find another way in, which is why we see stats such as those from the UK earlier this year, which showed that fraud losses on UK issued cards climbed 14 per cent last year to hit £388 million, the first...

/payments /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Contact-less Mess

Contactless / proximity payments are all the hype these days (actually last several years). They are supported and heavily marketed by pretty much all payment schemes. Mastercard has PayPass, Visa has PayWave, American Express has ExpressPay, Discover has ZIP and JCB has JSpeedy. Similarly, the NFC based mobile proximity payments (mainly using s...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Payments romance: When Apple met NFC

The yearly Apple keynote wasn't a demonstration of new products. Since its inception it's increasingly become a parade of the firm's utter dominance of the consumer technology market. A stunt of self-publicity focused just as much on its own glory than future potential. And rightly so. I don't care much for self-promotion, but if you've done as mu...

/payments /retail Future Finance

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