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20136 Results from 2015

Elton Cane

Elton Cane Digital product delivery at News Corp Australia

HSBC bluetooth marketing: Spam, or not spam?

Spam (noun) is commonly defined as an unsolicited commerical message sent indiscriminantly to mass recipients. Is this what HSBC is trialling in the name of marketing? The initial message it is sending out to all activated phones near its branches is certainly unsolicited (though one could argue that if people leave their bluetooth turned on all th...

/retail Trends in Financial Services

Elton Cane

Elton Cane Digital product delivery at News Corp Australia

Payments-mobile comms convergence - the real-estate model

Last week, as Visa USA president and CEO John Coghlan called for closer collaboration between the payment card and mobile industries (see Finextra article here), how this collaboration might work in practice was being discussed at the Digital Money Forum event in London. O2 is one of the network operators currently investigating near-field communic...

/payments /retail Trends in Financial Services

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Wells Fargo: Adventures in the blogosphere

Wells Fargo launched its first blog Guided by History a year ago today. Initially intended as a short-term experiment, the US bank has been so impressed by the experience that it has since launched three other blogs and created a social media unit to manage its activities in the space. In the studentloanddown, a blog created to plug Wells Fargo ...

/retail Trends in Financial Services

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Winterflood's bare-naked brokers promise Full Monty

This urge for City types to bare all in public is getting out of hand. No doubt inspired by the shameless exploits of the Team Bearing Bank tube video strippers, four brash young things from Winterflood are now threatening to get their kit off in return for donations to medical research charity Remedi. The Wins Fab Four, otherwise known as Mark B...

/retail /wholesale Whatever...

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Video killed the offshore call centre

The days of broadcast media training for bank call centre operatives may not be far off. The UK's first direct in November announced plans to offer video access to customer representatives over the mobile phone network in an experimental technology trial with wireless operator 3. And now AT&T has previewed a new mass-market service for tran...

/retail Futuristic Banking

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Skype dials up PayPal

The latest upgrade to the Skype internet telephony system is now available for download in beta format. Significant new features include the ability to incorporate a video snapshot and to send and receive money across the network using PayPal. If you’re adventurous and an experienced Skype user you can download the Skype 3.2 Beta for Windows versio...

/payments /retail Trends in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Mintel need to do a better job

Chicago-based Mintel, a global supplier of consumer, product and media intelligence, report a new study that suggests younger consumers are shunning online banking. Conveniently later in the press release, they point out that contactless credit cards will come to the rescue and save the day. My view: companies such as Mintel, particularly those...

/security Trends in Financial Services

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Inside the Blackstone IPO

Private equity has grown fat on critiquing the operation of public companies. The Blackstone IPO offers a rare opportunity to turn the tables. As part of its filing with the SEC, Blackstone issued a 200 page document that reveals many of the firm's business details for the first time: earnings of $2.27 billion last year, more than $2 billion in g...

/wholesale Finextra50 fintech index

John Doyle

John Doyle Director at The Payments Business

Blogging can hurt your employability

On the BBC World Service yesterday, and today on there comes a new threat to our employment chances - the Blog and other social sites. Apparently HR teams are being encouraged to use the Internet to research applicants for jobs and apparently some of the results are quite interesting as more and more companies use the web to store data....

/security /regulation Data Protection Act Issues

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Smart money freezes out Ice in favour of CME

Where's the smart money going on the likely outcome of the ongoing tug-of-war for the Chicago Board of Trade (Cbot)? Dublin-based person-to-person trading mart Intrade has listed 4 new markets on the Cbot merger tussle. 1. Cbot & Chicago Mercantile Exchange by end December 2007 ~ 65% likely 2. Cbot & Intercontinental Exchange by end Decem...

/wholesale Finextra50 fintech index

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