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20136 Results from 2015

Elton Cane

Elton Cane Digital product delivery at News Corp Australia

Chasing the US core banking market

After many years of talking about the need for core banking system replacement among US banks, it seems that foreign and domestic vendors are finally making some headway. But if the predicted boom in replacement projects emerges, where will the banks and vendors find the required technical and business staff to do the work? i-Flex has been target...

/retail /wholesale Trends in Financial Services

Elton Cane

Elton Cane Digital product delivery at News Corp Australia

Outsourcing, offshoring and ABN Amro share price performance

If ABN Amro hadn't agressively pursued an outsource/offshore strategy over the past two years, would it have been broken-up and sold off much earlier? The answer is probably yes. In its 2006 annual report, the bank claimed that Services IT (responsible for group infrastructure and managing the recent offshore/outsourced arrangements) realised its E...

/retail /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Happy birthday ZX Spectrum

Warning - content contains some nostalgia. Nice piece on the BBC about the ZX Spectrum, brainchild of Clive Sinclair which hit the shops in 1982. Must have been around that time that I splashed out on one from the co-op in Norwich - and then upgraded it with a kit to a heady 48k of memory. Then after three weeks of further tinkering with a solde...


Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Royalblue scores big fat zero with Gartner

Royalblue’s decision to splash up to £63 million on buy-side OMS vendor LatentZero has been given a firm thumbs down by industry analyst Gartner. Unveiling the deal earlier this week, the London-based vendor played up the strategic benefit to the two companies and their respective customers "by providing, for the first time, the potential for...

/wholesale Finextra50 fintech index

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Human waste to plug extinct Auckland volcano

Auckland has come up with a novel plan for getting rid of hundreds of thousands of tonnes of human waste - use it to fill one of its many extinct volcanos, then turn it into a regional park. Sixty-one tonnes of the stuff will be dumped each week on the volcanic island of Puketuto. In a nice surreal touch, the local authorities say the island's ori...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Dell users demand XP back

I see the BBC are reporting that after a campaign by customers - Dell is again offering Windows XP with new PCs as an alternative to Vista. Michael Silver, research vice president at Gartner said this is odd behaviour for consumers - who tend to opt for the latest versions of everything. But is it that odd? Perhaps it shows that consumers are g...

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Crackberry addicts go cold turkey

Hardened Crackberry addicts in the US were forced to go cold turkey last night following an outage at Research in Motion’s network data center in Canada. The sudden blackout left users from Wall Street to Capitol Hill reeling. "I felt like my left arm had been amputated," Joe Shoemaker, communications director for Assistant Senate Democ...

/retail /wholesale Whatever...

Matt White

Matt White North America editor at Finextra

Getting on the green bandwagon

The banks certainly seem to be waking up to the potential of going green. In the last couple of days Barclaycard, Fortis and Lloyds have rushed out press releases on the subject. Barclaycard are trumpeting a new green credit card. It is not due to be launched until the summer which is just as well considering they don't seem to have got around to ...


John Doyle

John Doyle Director at The Payments Business

Recovering Bank Charges - 3

See Recovering Bank Charges - 1 and Recovering Bank Charges - 2. Just an update I am afraid - no results, yet! I hadn't heard from the Alliance & Leicester so over the weekend I called their call centre for an update. 'We do have 40 days in which to respond you know Mr. Doyle', Anne in Ashford said; 'and it is only 35 days'. She was somewhat ...

/payments Trends in Financial Services

Hoss Atri

Hoss Atri Head of Institutional Partnerships at Elifinty LLC

Googling your card

I am pleased to see that Google has brought its online payments service to the UK. The more payment services choices of global scale and reach we have the better. I wonder how long it will be before our banks will provide a similar service. I wonder how worried the likes of Google and PayPal might be about being dis-intermediated by the banks! I h...

/security /payments

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