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1077 Results from 2016

Henri Wajsblat

Henri Wajsblat Financial Services Expert at Anaplan

Open banking can improve financial services & transparency within firms

August’s banking report from the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), calling for banks to open up and allow more competition, received a mixed reaction. Some hailed it as a game changer, however, many labelled it as just one of a long line of reports calling for change in an industry that has remained static for decades despite numerous attem...

Alex Kreger

Alex Kreger Founder & CEO at UXDA

To Survive in User-Centered Economy, Financial Services Have to Deliver a Perfect User Experience

Some experts fear that the sharing economy will destroy a traditional capitalism with its global corporations, banks, and supply chain. For instance, Uber — a simple service to search private drivers — that practically destroyed the licensed taxi labor market and led to mass taxi drivers’ strikes in New York, Chicago, San Francisco and London. Sh

/startups Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Grey with some sunny spells - the outlook for Europe

Recent unrest among the middle classes across both sides of the Atlantic and a greater number of voters in both the UK referendum and US elections suggest they want change, and they want it soon. Wolfgang Münchau, Associate Editor of the FT, gave a keynote speech at our recent IUCM 2016 event, addressing a number of political phenomena across the ...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Technology trends and predictions for financial markets in 2017

The point of making predictions is not to be right, but to be ready. So with that purpose in mind, what might technology have in store for financial markets in 2017? The big four underlying trends One prediction we can make with some confidence is that several long term underlying trends are maturing and will manifestly change the way we work. 1. D...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Retail banks and retailers: do department stores offer a possible blueprint for tech success?

The role of bank CIO has always been a high-pressure one. It is characterised by the need to ‘keep the lights on’, continuously using data and technology to innovate, juggling budgetary restrictions and the potential implications of banking regulation. Despite the CIO’s best efforts, simply updating a legacy system is no longer enough to meet the...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Sink or swim: new technologies are critical to the survival of wealth management firms

Fintechs are disrupting many aspects of the financial services industry and wealth management is no exception. These new entrants can provide scale and greater customisation at a much lower cost than traditional wealth management models, many of which are heavily dependent on human resource and have highly manual processes. So, what will be the ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Uber and Airbnb are Not the Digital Economy

When is disruption a bad thing? According to the London black cab driver I had recently, it is when Uber comes to town. A rival taxi company using an app for hailing and a GPS for finding its way around and charging less than black cabs is bad disruption. There is no doubt that Uber is a threat to traditional taxi firms, which is why it is often he...


Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

Blockchain: what happened during our stay in South Africa?

In the past three weeks we travelled throughout South Africa. Our main focus was on the country, the people, the safaris, the Big Five. But not on blockchain! Now being back home I am curious what happened in between in the blockchain area. So let's have a look. A number of interesting reports were launched, amongst others by Euroclear and Deloitt...

Vinod Sharma

Vinod Sharma CTO - FinTech Domain at Econet Wireless Zimbabwe

CashLess OR LessCash

Abstract – Journey from cash only transactions to less cash and thereafter if possible moving to cashless or digital money society. This journey looks very simple in textbooks or written on blogs or papers but ground reality can be very different. Along this trip people suffer tremendous setbacks, difficulties, mental pressure, harassment, starvin...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Edward Grant

Edward Grant CFO & Co-Founder at Solgari

Cloud telephony technology: separating the wheat from the chaff

The UK’s fintech industry is booming. In 2015, the sector generated £6.6 billion in revenue and that figure continues to increase. Considered the global leader, fintech experts from the UK are being whisked away to New York and Hong Kong – other financial powerhouses – in order to invigorate their respective industries. This new array of exciting ...

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