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1270 Results from 2013

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Boiling the Ocean

UK banks are turning to expanding access to technology to rebuild customer trust and offer improved services. For example our client Barclays Bank is embarking on a major transformation programme that uses increased investment in technology to “create a much better customer and client experience at structurally lower cost, with better control and ...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

IAIS to develop global insurance capital standards by 2016

The International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) has announced its plan to develop a risk based global insurance capital standard (ICS) by 2016. Full implementation will begin in 2019 after two years of testing and refinement with supervisors and internationally active insurance groups (IAIGs). The IAIS has also published the followi...

Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Every Cloud has a silver lining ..

… doesn’t it? By embracing new technologies, access to services via the Cloud offers corporate treasurers of every size of organisation the opportunity to improve efficiencies and further drive down operational costs. At SWIFT we are very well aware that any change to the way we do business brings with it a dose of healthy scepticism. New services...

/payments Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The post implementation review: Lessons from the past

A common pitfall of many projects is that once the team finally crosses the finish line they ‘forget’ to hold a Post Implementation Review (PIR) meeting. The reasons for this are many and obvious. The collective mindset moves quickly on to other things, and individuals are not motivated to cover old ground if the project ultimately succeeded; even...

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Digital wallets will save us!

When you leave your home or apartment in the morning, you might pack up a small bag of whatever you need for the day, which might change daily. But what doesn’t change is the three things you always have, and that’s your keys, mobile device and wallet. They are three essentials we can’t function without. Fortunately, at least two out of the three ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

EIOPA publish final guidelines for Solvency II

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) has published the final guidelines to ensure that national competent authorities (NCAs), insurance companies and groups take active steps toward implementing key elements of Solvency II in a consistent and convergent way. The guidelines cover the following key areas: system of gov...

Financial Services Regulation

Dan Barnes

Dan Barnes Writer at Information Corporation

Fining money factories does not work

It is impossible to punish banking through fines. Regulators must know this. When one reads of the scale of fines in the financial services industry, it is often hard to conceive of the amounts that the firms are paying. Even more so when one considers that these payments happen every year, and sometimes several times a year. Bruno Bettelheim, the...

Future Finance

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Drivers of Supra-regional expansion in Asia

To a large extent, Asian banks are in a somewhat enviable position. China is certainly the economic giant of the region, and if China’s economy slows, it does have knock-on effects, yet, the economies of individual countries in Asia, while interdependent, often expand and contract quite independently. This can mean a bank facing slower growth in I...

Future Finance

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Solvency II deferred until 1 January 2016

The European Commission has published a proposal to amend the Solvency II Directive to set later dates for its transposition (31 January 2015) and its application (1 January 2016). The proposed Directive also amends the repeal date of Solvency I (1 January 2016). Related Link:

Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Regulation With a Clap of Thunder and a Massive Hammer

Two important events happened in November 2013. First, the Fed released its latest stress test definitions, to be used as the basis of the Comprehensive Capital and Analysis Review (CCAR) report, due in March 2014. Second, Thor returned to cinema screens in the action sequel, ‘The Dark World.’ So, why are these two things collectively important? W...


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