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1148 Results from 2018

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Open Banking 13 Jan 2018 - 'Danse Macabre' or Tango for Banks and Fintech?

Now that the floor is nearly open for true open banking in Europe as a result of the passing of the PSD2 kick off date this Sunday, observers sit tight to see the scene unfold. Will we be enjoying a Danse Macabre with the incumbent banks in a leading role or a 'Scent of a Woman' tango, the unforgettable picture of experience and youth joining forc...

/payments Open Banking

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Open Banking: A Marathon Not A Sprint

In 1981, the idea for the London Marathon was conceived in the Dysart Arms pub by olympic medal winners John Disley and Chris Brasher. They had both run in the 1979 New York Marathon and this inspired them to organise a London event. Public awareness was low back then and the event attracted 20,000 entrants with 7,747 making it to the start and 6...

Open Banking

Retired Member

Retired Member 


The following comments, provided for information purposes only, can under no circumstances be construed as recommendation or incentive to buy or sell any investment or engage in any trading strategy individually or collectively. What if, it was possible to trade Bitcoins like other assets, in spite of sheer volatility? Not that there are much funda...

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Top 10 Tips for Securing Your Mobile Devices and Sensitive Client Data

Do you have employees who bring mobile phones to work and use those devices on the corporate network? Do they store company data on these “Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD)”?? Does your company have a policy in place for this? First, the moment a person brings in their personal phone to work, there is a fusion of personal and business tasks that occur....


Guillaume Pousaz

Guillaume Pousaz Founder and CEO at

PSD2: A new dawn

This week, the second Payment Services Directive (PSD2) will overhaul the European payments landscape. The new legislation will essentially force banks to open up their data, allowing third party providers such as fintech companies to access both account and transactional information. This gives third party providers the power to authorize payment...

/payments Open Banking

Retired Member

Retired Member 

MiFID II - why there is more to be done in 2018

MiFID II is one of the most far-reaching changes to financial market regulation yet. Investment and wealth management as well as wealth advisory firms are the most impacted segments, especially those who will now have to spend more time familiarising themselves with the new regulation where they have not had to deal with similar requirements with ...


Vinod Sharma

Vinod Sharma CTO - FinTech Domain at Econet Wireless Zimbabwe

2018 Year of Intelligence - Artificial and Augmentation

This year my first post of the year is written from New Delhi India. Wishing you all a very happy new year. Year 1956 when ‘Artificial Intelligence’ was coined got its place in history and now Year 2018 will make people forget everything of past and will attain much more higher level respect for AI. As soon as it works, no one will call it AI anym...

/ai Innovation in Financial Services

Piyush Srivastava

Piyush Srivastava President & Chief Operating Officer at RiskCounts LLC

How AI is changing the Risk Management & Compliance

In this increasing debate over AI, in how it is good for mankind, and on the other side, how it is going to take away our jobs, what is the right answer? I would take the analogy of the advent of cars, trains or airplanes, in the times when people used horse carriages, horses or bullock carts. What was the advantage of a motor car or the train? Wel...

/ai /inclusion Fintech

Retired Member

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ESMA’s first Heisenberg moment

Anyone who has watched the cult TV series Breaking Bad knows that Heisenberg was the clandestine alias adopted by the show's chief protagonist, Walt White. The 'original' Heisenberg was, of course, the brilliant German theoretical physicist who developed his famous Uncertainty Principle. Simply stated it says that one can know either the position ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Would You Like To Earn Money To Use Open Banking?

The Cambridge News is winning the prize for the most eyecatching Open Banking headline this week. "Massive changes are coming to banking - and you could get £150 out of it - What is Open Banking and how will it affect me?" Without hesitation, I started reading through the usual Open Banking introductory information to see how I could clai...

Open Banking

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