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1148 Results from 2018

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Understanding and Stopping Criminal Identity Theft

The definition of criminal identity theft is a crime where the criminal impersonates the victim in order to protect their innocence. This can lead to victims getting fines or even getting arrested and charged for crimes they did not commit. How Does This Happen? There are a number of ways that a criminal can pull this off, and it generally occurs w...


Ben Marsh

Ben Marsh CEO at iMeta Technologies

Financial Regulation: Ten Years of Toil and a Month of MiFID II

In the past decade an unequalled amount of regulatory reform has taken place internationally across the financial services industry; a journey that has not been for the faint-hearted or those lacking in stamina and endurance! All of us involved in this marketplace; clients, institutions and service providers; know intimately that these reforms hav...

/regulation /wholesale MiFID

Anthony Pickup

Anthony Pickup Consultant at Capgemini Invent

What is next for ATMs as retail payment technologies evolve?

I was asked recently to predict the future for ATMs (Auto Teller Machines) and the services they will provide. I approached this by looking back at what has driven the development of the ATM hardware and software we see today. My conclusion is that mass market technologies that have enabled ATMs to lower the cost of current their operation or red...

/payments Futuristic Banking

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Market Volatility...? He who dares wins Rodney!

Over the past few weeks we have seen the global markets go wild and despite the fact that everything appears to have calmed down, one has to wonder, what’s coming next? What was particularly disturbing were the reports that many of the trading systems were ‘unable to cope’ with the recent turmoil. But let’s be honest, it’s exciting times like th...

Hedge Fund Technology

Freddie McMahon

Freddie McMahon Director Strategy and Innovation at DF2020 Ltd

Complex Knowledge two more examples to why it matters

In the UK, there were two public disclosures within a 24-hour period, which provided more examples that Complex Knowledge in a documented form is no longer fit and is the causality of deeply rooted systemic risks. The first relates to the collapse of Carillion. The parliamentary Business Committee has been cross-examining the Carillion auditors. ...

/regulation Fintech innovation and startups

Retired Member

Retired Member 

We’re about to find out what happens when Socialism meets crypto

Petro, Venezuela: Who knows what will happen. President Nicolas Maduro, the socialist autocrat who managed to take Venezuela from a prosperous democracy to a nation on the brink of collapse, launched a cryptocurrency this week, designed – he claims – to solve the country’s economic woes. Those are not woes that most of us would be familiar with: e...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Some of the Popular Cryptocurrencies Around the World

When the concept of cryptocurrency was introduced way back in 2009, nobody would have imagined that it would turn out to become a blockbuster. In fact, this is the major reason we have seen the emergence of so many digital currencies making their way out after the evolution of bitcoin. If the sources are to be believed, there are about 1384 crypt...


Matthew Phillips

Matthew Phillips Head of Banking, UK and Ireland at Diebold Nixdorf

How innovative is your bank’s culture?

Open banking is forcing banks to think twice. It’s making them consider how agile they are, how they interact with customers and whether they have the right culture to support a rapidly changing environment. Just about every company at the moment is in a race to put their customers first. Some are doing this by launching new apps or personalised ad...


Konrad Litwin

Konrad Litwin Global General Manager - Testing at Perforce Software

How and why software development must be included in FS compliance, risk and security processes

Digitalisation is at the heart of most financial services and processes, whether internal or external. The good news is that it can be a catalyst for innovation and gaining a competitive edge. The downside is that the high dependency on these ‘soft assets’ brings its own challenges and vulnerabilities. While they are already considered within ri...

/security Financial Risk Management

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Impact Of Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning on Trading And Investing

Investing and trading are activities that can benefit quite a lot from automation. In fact, using artificial intelligence and machine learning can be very handy here, to the point where you can easily replace many human tasks with automated, repeated tasks that can be performed by machines. Can artificial intelligence and machine learning impact ...

/ai Trends in Financial Services

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