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Alex Bray

Skype-hype? Is now the time for video-chat in banking?

I worked on the first web-chat deployment at a high street bank back in 2006. At the time, we were convinced it would deliver us a range of sales and customer satisfaction benefits. And yet, it floppe...

04 Nov 2013
Online Banking
Alex Bray

Does IBM's 2-Factor have the X Factor for Mobile Banking?

I'm a big fan – and former employee – of Big Blue. So it's always good to see the innovations that continue to emerge out of the IBM Labs. In their latest offering, reported by Finextra last week (htt...

30 Oct 2013
Online Banking
Alex Bray

Is the Google Glass half full or half empty?

In February, the release of Google Glass to developers was greeted with much fanfare in the press and excitement in the blogosphere. So, was this all puff? What has happened since? Well, there is no d...

23 Oct 2013
Innovation in Financial Services
Alex Bray

The Digital Dollar - generating digital channels revenue

If banks don't develop a second generation digital channels strategy, they won't be around in 10 years time. It sounds like a bold statement, but it is a pretty safe bet. Customer behaviours, right ar...

21 Oct 2013
Online Banking
Alex Bray

An African Sunrise - new dawn of Internet Banking

It was announced this week at the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation’s Annual Forum in Nigeria, that the Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI) is to be launched to drive down the artific

10 Oct 2013
Online Banking
Alex Bray

Sell, sell, sell! The future of Digital Banking

Digital channels are all about sales. If they aren't, then you're doing something wrong. First and foremost, banks are about creating wealth. To do that, banks need to help their customers articulat

20 May 2013
Online Banking
Alex Bray

Augmented Reality in FS - got your goggles?

‘Mobile banking’ is not a very precise term. Today, we know it as meaning using your mobile phone for banking. However, back in the late 1990s, all that it meant was SMS banking. If your bank was pa

01 May 2013
Innovation in Financial Services
Alex Bray

Knocking the Froth off Social Media

Social media has exploded across the financial services industry. And like many a new craze before it, it has largely been driven by the perceived need to do something, compounded by a lack of industr...

23 Jan 2012
Online Banking
Alex Bray

I'm here to make social media boring...

Over the last couple of months, I have presented to a lot of senior banking executives on the subject of social media. The parallels between these presentations have been fascinating. At all these pre...

11 Jan 2012
Online Banking
Alex Bray

The Death of

Internet bank websites have fundamentally changed the way we manage our money - and entirely for the better. They have put customers in control - with 24 hour access, wherever and whenever you want. T...

08 Jan 2012
Online Banking
Alex Bray

Getting to Know You, Getting to Know All About You...

Is it wrong for your bank to use your social graph - the personal data you generate within your various social media outpourings - to make decisions about you? Much as in the famous song from ‘The Kin...

07 Jan 2012
Social Banks

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