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Brett King

SXSWi: Can Banks match start-ups at the Innovation game?

South-by-Southwest's Interactive sessions in Austin, TX are a major creative and customer-focused experience. The amount of networking that is taking place, the amount of active innovation and discuss...

13 Mar 2011
Innovation in Financial Services
Brett King

If you're investing in branches - look out

In my recent book I posited that I wasn't against branches and that rather than advocating the wholesale closure or departure from branch networks, that I was interested in seeing branch focus/form ad...

08 Mar 2011
Innovation in Financial Services
Brett King

iPad 2 takes the tablet game up a notch.

The Apple iPad 2 was launched by the so-called "rockstar CEO" Steve Jobs today in San Francisco to a broad reception of live blogging, tweeting and "cloud" participation online. It...

02 Mar 2011
Innovation in Financial Services
Brett King

Think NFC is going to take years? You're wrong...

There’s a great deal of debate in the Financial Services community at the moment about the potential impact of NFC or Near-Field Communication technology within mobile phones and how it will effect th...

28 Feb 2011
Innovation in Financial Services
Brett King

Building Digital Relationships equals Service

Everyday we’re making choices in the digital and physical worlds between one brand and another. Sometimes we choose a brand because they provide us with great service, but sometimes it’s simply becaus...

21 Feb 2011
Innovation in Financial Services
Brett King

Beyond PFM - The digital relationship

At Finovate Europe last week we saw a lot of what I would generally classify as "me too" PFM efforts. While there were a few stand out examples, such as Meniga and Linxo, I don't think the

08 Feb 2011
Innovation in Financial Services
Brett King

CNBC - Will Your Wallet Soon Become a Historic Relic?

Given the recent discussions on the Starbucks Payment App and emerging NFC I thought this interview with myself and Omar Green (Intuit, Director of Strategic Mobile Initiatives) by Lori Ann Lorocco a

05 Feb 2011
Innovation in Financial Services
Brett King

Let's get rid of Internet Banking...

If you think about the way we have digital banking and web presence structured today, it is actually wrong. Most banks today already have a well developed 'public' presence in the form of www site, an...

31 Jan 2011
Online Banking
Brett King

Starbucks Mobile App - Payments reinvented

On Wednesday 26th of January 2011, Michael Degnan (of SapientNitro and Engagement Banking fame) and myself headed down to the Starbucks at One Penn Plaza in New York City with the objective of record...

28 Jan 2011
Innovation in Financial Services
Brett King

Too much information - dealing with exponential content

There has been much discussion about the impact of the so-called "information age". Prior to 2003 it has been said that throughout history mankind had generated a sum total of 5 Exabyte’s of...

16 Jan 2011
Innovation in Financial Services
Brett King

Banks still don't get mobile, but neither do researchers...

I read with interest a post pointed out to me by @JenRBoyd posted on Mobile Commerce Daily highlighting a recent Celent report comparing US and EU investment in multi-channel. The problem here is tha...

04 Jan 2011
Finance 2.0

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