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Retired Member

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Blogging can hurt your employability

On the BBC World Service yesterday, and today on there comes a new threat to our employment chances - the Blog and other social sites. Apparently HR teams are being encouraged to use the Internet to research applicants for jobs and apparently some of the results are quite interesting as more and more companies use the web to store data....

/security /regulation Data Protection Act Issues

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Is Bob Diamond worth 22 million quid?

Interesting blog on the BBC site about Bob Diamond's hefty 22 million earnings for the last year, or rather the comments on the blog are interesting. He's head of Barclays investment banking service which has been doing rather well of late, but is he worth this much? As you might expect, there's a bit of a kerfuffle about it and overall it's ano...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Toadzilla stalks Oz

A cane toad the size of a small dog has been found down under. Nicknamed Toadzilla, the BBC reports that the feisty amphibian weighs in at a tad under a kilo and is the largest ever found in Australia's Northern territory. Or rather - largest so far. . .


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Satnav sends driver into river

This story from The Register of a driver who plunged her Mercedes worth knocking on a hundred grand into a river caught my eye. The driver ignored signs warning the track was unsuitable for motor vehicles and drove straight into something of a raging torrent. Why would someone do something apparently so daft? There is an experiment in psychology ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

RBS and an unusual approach to staff morale

Listening to the Today programme this morning I was astonished by the story that RBS were threatening to discipline staff who banked with competitors. RBS state that candidates are told at interviews that they must have their salary paid into an account from a bank within RBS group, although staff may open additional accounts with competitors, whi...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Liverpool Victoria name change shocker

Having survived since 1843 on their name, the Liverpool Victoria appear to have had a sudden attack of expensive rebranding. The new name, which only slightly resembles a typo is the catchy LV= as explained on their site. "..after listening to our members, customers and staff we decided that our brand name needed to evolve to make it more r...

/retail Cringeworthy marketing gallery

Retired Member

Retired Member 

More on recovering bank charges

I too have been trying to recover unnecessary charges; from my bank of choice, The Abbey. About two weeks ago I sent in my £10 cheque (It took me a while to remember where my cheque book was and blow all the dust of it) and my request for my last six years of statements. To my amazement they replied yesterday with FOURTEEN envelopes! Each envelop...

/retail Trends in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

PayPal skyrockets

SpaceX - established in 2002 by PayPal founder Elon Musk - launched their budget rocket into space this morning with a modicum of success. Now that's what I call beta testing. Talking of PayPal, Finextra reports they have registered almost 35 million user accounts in Europe. And Skype will soon offer be offering their users the ability to transfe...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Recovering Bank Charges - 2

I rang the Alliance & Leicester this morning and spoke to the Call Centre and explained that I had read a lot about the recovery of charges and wanted to know what I had to do to query and possibly recover mine. The very nice lady explained that they would send me a form and I had to complete it and return it with 10 pounds and that the bank th...

/payments /retail Trends in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Hi tech security defeated by choccies and winning smile

The strangest story of the last couple of days concerns the removal of over 14 million pounds worth of diamonds from a secure vault at ABN Amro in Antwerp. Possibly the biggest robbery carried out by a single person, The Independent reports that the gentleman thief was armed with a fake passport and chocolates, presumably real, which were used to ...

/security Whatever...

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