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E-commerce for beginners part one: Lily Rose Petunia

A friend of mine works in television as a director - which seems interesting to me - but he's recently developed an interest in web development - which seems odd to me. He's also just formed a new band so he decided to set up an e-commerce site to sell CDs. By his own admission he is a complete beginner to the field, although the end result look...

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Consultant banks: the new frontier?

Recently I answered a question on LinkedIn regarding the main drivers of growth in the operating models of financial services. Briefly, the question related to whether there are alternate models for managing the operations of financial services that go beyond the pursuit of efficiency, productivity, etc. I had then responded that the boutique ban...

Trends in Financial Services

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China: You can invest abroad...but not quite yet.

China, well known for its capital controls, made some steps towards loosening those controls for individual investors last month with the announcement that individual mainland Chinese investors would be able to invest in the HK stock market although now it appears the implementation will be delayed slightly according to an announcement by the Bank...

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Top 100 Network Security Tools

Fyodor, the author of the popular Nmap FOSS for network exploration or security auditing, has released the list of the top 100 network security tools (excluding Nmap). He has compiled the list based on the responses from 3,243 people in the Nmap mailing list. Relating to my post on the malware attack on BoI, I think that the sysadmins of the bank...

/security Information Security

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Fallen Citadel: Malware Attack on Bank of India

Story URL: The recent, crippling, malware attack on the website of Bank of India ( is a stark reminder of how far away are the banks from offering secure net banking facilities. Obviously, BoI is not the only bank to suffer from a security lapse; mo...

Information Security

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Finding your way around the new site

We've changed the top navigation bar - you'll see a new link - Members area - which takes you instantly to your personal home page, or a login page if you are not currently logged in. Also a slight bug in the EDIT YOUR PROFILE option has been fixed. Please let me know if it causes any more problems. We'll be adding new features to the site over t...

Finextra site news

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'Build your own Bank' to become customer centric?

Over at NetBanker, Ron's wrote about the notion of PFM (Personal Financial Manager, eg Quicken) and that will not be the solution to bringing the last holdouts into online banking. In particular, he spoke of the older generation boomers, and others who if they have not adopted such tools, are unlikely to do so now. In any event, the post promp

/payments Futuristic Banking

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Little Britain and the MiFID Big Picture

I was chairing a conference panel session recently. One of the panellists represented one of the UK stock exchanges (you mean that there’s more than one? Whatever happened to the idea that exchanges are consolidating? Isn’t it just the Germans that still have more than one stock exchange?). Another was from a major global (but not British) inv...

Retired Member

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Making money out of being inefficient

As a university student, I had to work one vacation at the local dockyard unloading freighters. On my first morning, a crane lifted a pallet-load of hundredweight (50 kg) cement bags from a recently-arrived Portuguese freighter, and carefully placed it onto the dock-side in front of myself and a totally uneducated and virtually unemployable colle...

Retired Member

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With Facebook and bluetooth - we know who you are...

The BBC mention an interesting project combining short range wireless system Bluetooth with the all-conquering social timewasting networking site Facebook. The idea is that your bluetooth phone looks for other devices around it and sees if the owner is on Facebook via a tool called Cityware. The Cityware site kicks off with "The goal of Cit...

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