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When a City Suddenly Lost the Internet

The future of Online payment in China. When a city suddenly lost the internet... Nearly a month since the heavy rains in Zhengzhou China. After the rain stopped, the water, electricity and networks in many places could not be restored. In China, "When a city suddenly lost the internet" became a hot topic. Some Zhengzhou citizens said:

/payments /inclusion Fintech

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Work-From-Home Burnout: The Impact of Work Environments on the Human Mind

Working from home quickly became the standard across industries as the world battled the Covid-19 pandemic. Now, as the pandemic slows, many businesses are examining the impacts of work-from-home environments on the mental and emotional well-being of their teams. Many companies are working to establish a hybrid work environment that includes both ...

/people /covid-19

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The Great Reflection

Albert Einstein is often credited with saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. And in that vein I wanted to reuse a phrase I first shared a year ago which didn't resonate as loudly as I thought it would, but this time I hope it’s different. In November 2020 I referred to ...

/wealth /predictions

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Why making instant payments cheaper and easier is the key to pan-European adoption

At a recent payments forum hosted by the Bank of Finland, ECB board member Fabio Panetta signalled commercial banks must make instant payments ‘cheap and easy to use’. While on the operational side, the Eurosystem has ensured the pan-European reach of instant payments is affordable to all banks (€0.002 per transaction), banks are still passing on e...


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Why the rise of the unregulated broker all comes back to embedded finance

Forex brokers leaving their positions at established brokerage firms and setting up on their own is nothing new. I’m not revealing any trade secrets when I say that over the years it’s typically been disaffected salespeople – potentially seen as earning a bit too much by their bosses and a little miffed at, for example, their commission being capp...

/payments Embedded Finance

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What is FinTech? “Democratization of financial services” and ”Technology Supremacy”

The protagonist of FinTech, which subdivides the functions provided by current financial institutions and uses technology to automate, realizes low-cost and high efficiency, is a new venture. On the other hand, financial services that were limited to serving the affluent class in the past have also moved towards democratization. The relevant desc

/inclusion Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

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Will Bitcoin Ever Become A Means Of Payment On The Global Scale?

When El Salvador revealed its intention to become the first country to properly adopt Bitcoin as legal tender, many people in the industry started wondering if other jurisdictions across the world would follow this example. Personally, I find the notion somewhat questionable. The need for efficient inter-state commerce and financial transactions h...

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Leadership and business dilemmas teaching finance under the new light of sustainability

Leadership and business dilemmas teaching finance under the new light of sustainability According to the best-selling book Reimagining Capitalism: How Business Can Save the World, “traditional finance may be the single biggest stumbling block to reimagining capitalism.” This can generate an ethical dilemma for somebody like Prof. Carlos Casanuev...

/sustainable Finance 2.0

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As SaaS grows, financial services must rethink their security approach

The financial services industry is facing an increasing number of issues related to the adoption of cloud-based services. The growth of cloud and SaaS has accelerated with the consumerisation of information technology, along with the shift to working from home. Users have become comfortable downloading and using apps and services from the cloud to...

/security /identity Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

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Win Fintech Customers with NLP

Recent advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and namely its sub-domains – Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) are bringing us close to the moment when we won’t distinguish the difference between the way people talk (human speech) and the way machines interpret and reproduce it (machine speech). And we bet that FinTech w...

/payments /people Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

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