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Start To Build an NFT Platform like Bored Ape Yacht Club

Limited, rare, and exclusive are the apt phrases to describe the success of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Which is the most popular collection that offers exclusive memberships for investors? It is Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC). Likewise, are you that entrepreneur interested in the metaverse? Initiate Bored Ape Yacht Club like NFT platform now!. Th...

/inclusion /crypto Blockchain in NFT Platform and IDO

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Don’t let holiday hacks distract from the threat lurking inside

The holiday shopping season is in full swing. Online sales are forecast to hit over £32 billion from mid-November to the end of December 2021. However, it’s not all glad tidings; more online shopping equals more sharing of online credentials and greater cyber risk. And this risk is prolific - hackers stole £754 million in the first six months of ...

/security /identity Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

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NFT Development Solutions, From NFT Arts to Exclusive NFT Metaverse of Realtime

People can ignore the crypto space, a technology that has an alternative like the front-end frameworks. From a typical digital currency to the legendary bitcoin, the evolution of the paperless currency started almost in the year 1995, and every time the technology is advanced, the idea of digital currencies evolves. And now, this is the final phas

/crypto Blockchain Observations

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Python: The Programming and Development Language of the Future

What is common between Netflix, Google, Uber, Spotify, Apple and Microsoft? All these giants of their industries believe the answer to the question "What is the future of Python?" is that it is extremely bright. In 2021, Python celebrated the 30th anniversary of its launch and showed no signs of slowing down in developing as the most pre...

/people /startups Business Knowledge for IT

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Crypto start-ups hit record levels of investment. Why can’t banking provide the services they need?

With growing consumer and corporate acceptance and plenty of interest from investors, cryptocurrencies seem to have it all. What’s missing are the banking platforms to go mainstream. At what point can a currency be considered ‘mainstream’? Is it when you can use the currency to pay for a hotel? To buy a burger or a pizza or a car or a house? When m...

/startups /crypto Cryptocurrency Insights

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Fintech trends: What trends will shape the fintech landscape in 2022?

From eye-watering funding rounds to the acceleration of digital payments and the rise of ecommerce - the fintech sector has continued to demonstrate its innovation and agility, even in the most challenging of times. With the new year just around the corner, this is an opportune time to take a moment to reflect on some of this year’s most prominent...

/predictions Fintech

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5 Telltale Signs It’s Time To Hire An IDO Marketing Services Company

Not only just the get-rich-quick enthusiasts surmount the crypto space but also the budding entrepreneurs. Some enter the space to invest, while others raise funds (for their projects). Initial DEX offering (IDO) is one such fundraising model that unlocks investors’ value. Regardless of the need, one will have to enlist help for one set of tasks o...

/crypto /markets Marketing in Financial Services

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Jack Dorsey’s departure is bullish for crypto

Recently, Jack Dorsey announced that he has resigned from Twitter. Parag Agrawal, Twitter’s former CTO, will take over as CEO. In a resignation letter shared on Twitter, Dorsey explained that it was his decision to leave, adding “my trust in Parag as Twitter’s CEO is deep. His work over the past 10 years has been transformational. I’m deeply grate...

/crypto /predictions Blockchain Observations

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Simple, seamless, and scalable: the future of payments

Payments are the foundation of global commerce. With economic activity expected to rebound from the prolonged pandemic, experts predict global payment volumes to grow by 11.5 percent through the year 2023. This increase in volume is set to challenge existing systems that were built to cater for manual processes, thus proving inadequate for the aut...

/payments Fintech

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I know a great shortcut...

One of my guilty pleasures in sales is the opportunity to bring an enthusiastic expert to meet one of my prospects experts and to listen to them riff at a level way above my level of understanding. Irrespective of the complexity, enthusiasm compels you to concentrate and as a result there is usually a nugget of knowledge which I can simplify and u...

/wealth /predictions Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

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