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Top NFT gaming platforms to Play and Earn in 2022!

First Metaverse is defined by the gaming industry. Moreover, they predicted or strategized the advancement that the technical world is going to experience far more time before the advancement comes into reality. The fantasy world that gaming industries carved is now taking into another evolution where the coins earned from their assets owned ther

/crypto Blockchain Observations

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Top 5 NFT Investment Strategy - 2022| An Investment Pays The Best Interest

Non-fungible tokens are the present buzz in the digital space. Everyone's heard of NFTs and they want to try it out and check out its immense hype. This led to the revolution of trading in the digital community. Now, it is a very trending process to own NFTs, not only it is popular and has a good reputation among the community but it is a great op...

/crypto /markets Blockchain Observations

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Virtual Real Estate NFT | Predecessor Of Metaverse

Virtual real estate NFT is forever changing the way we view digital assets. As technology evolves alongside society, every aspect of life shifts to the virtual space. Typically physical events like work, school, and conferences are slowly moving towards the digital space. Technology makes it easy for everyone to do things through their tablet, sm

/startups /crypto Digital Asset Class (DAC)

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How Does NFT Royalties Work?

“Only Fools will believe something that's not available in hand as currency” most of the people’s mindset about the cryptos currency until 2014, but right after Bitcoin showed the world what is the real potential, here started the evolution of such cryptocurrency, Many new coins launched and the finest technology or innovation of the crypto era be...

/regulation /crypto Blockchain Observations

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Digital transformation in banking – how to ensure success?

The term digital transformation has been bandied around the banking and financial services industry for many years now, but despite the hype, for most banks, their digital transformations have a long way to go before completion. This is not a criticism of banks because the complexity of transforming a regulated institution into a digital-first org...

Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

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Work smarter, not Harder: How to Generate Passive Income with Crypto

When you take your hard-earned money to the market, your main goal is to grow your wealth so you can achieve financial independence. One way to do this is by diversifying your portfolio so that it includes different types of investments, such as real estate, equities, bonds, mutual funds, and exchange traded funds. Regardless of which financial in...

/wealth /crypto Cryptocurrency Insights

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Accepting Cryptocurrency Payments in 2022: Benefits, Downsides, and How to Get Started

You'll want to consider who you'll collaborate with and how you'll integrate, as well as your cash-conversion strategy. The appeal of instant riches might overshadow the fact that Bitcoin was initially used in a mundane transaction - to purchase a pizza. Even the most delicious slice won't come close to the 10,000 Bitcoins that order cost in 2010 ...

/payments /crypto Cryptocurrency Insights

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Tech infrastructure design doesn’t need to be difficult

It’s become a cliche, but the pandemic has accelerated a decade’s worth of change into just a few short years. But it’s already time for entrepreneurs, business leads and tech teams to look ahead to the next decade of challenges in financial services. The big challenge ahead for traditional financial institutions however, is that their infrastruc...

/payments /retail Digital Bank Transformation

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DeFi’s Liquidity Pool Party is Getting Started (and everyone’s invited).

Until recently, accessing liquidity was like an exclusive pool party in the Hamptons. It was not for everyone: you had to know a banker or someone from Wall Street to get in. Entry requirements were strict: you could only wear white or linen. The waiting time was also very long: you had to find the right time to be greeted by the party host. La

/inclusion /crypto Fintech

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