12 Results from 2023
Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,
We are now moving fast to the Trust Infrastructure with EUDI-compliant general purpose automatically interoperable identitywallets for all parties - the data source, the data rights holder and for the service provider. This means that there will be the same interface for all. Obtaining and passing on verified credentials here can be likened to e-m...
29 November 2023 /retail /identity Innovation in Financial Services
How could SSI support AI applications? Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) can be immensely supportive for AI applications in various ways: 1. **Data Integrity and Authenticity**: SSI ensures that the data shared with AI systems is authentic and unaltered, which is crucial for AI models that rely on accurate data for training and decision-making. 2. *...
01 November 2023 /identity /predictions Innovation in Financial Services
The starting point in the data driven economy is now becoming: Do not serve your customer! Serve her life events! And this is precisely what especially elderly people - less apt as hunting down data from scattered sources in the public and private sectors - need now. I should perhaps write a book about the momentous thing happening in the data driv...
01 November 2023 /people /identity Innovation in Financial Services
Our sacred trust infrastructure mission the incoming autumn will be to: 1. Make it crystal clear to all organisations (especially the in the public and SMEsectors) and most citizens how immensely services at home and at work, productivity, risk management, privacy and the EU single market can be enhanced when all parties (and many things) will ge...
07 August 2023 /inclusion /identity Innovation in Financial Services
Governments and enterprises will adopt a global trust infrastructure, resulting in citizens and organizations receiving general-purpose identity wallets that can obtain, deliver, and pass on verified data for a wide range of life events based on MyData.org principles. The architecture is outlined in trustoverip.org, and the trust layer in the ar
09 April 2023 /retail /identity Innovation in Financial Services
I have been acting as an independent advisor for the Findyconsortium in Finland (now the public-private Findynet co-operative) since it started in 2018. It aims at implementing a trust infrastructure based on Self-Sovereign Identity and the Trust over IP architecture. Here all citizens, all organisations and many things will get general purpose fa...
03 March 2023 /retail /identity Innovation in Financial Services
1. Trust infrastructure As the benefits for building a global trust infrastructure are so massive (3-6% of GDP according to McKinsey), it is clear that governments will be strongly committed to drive the migration and that enterprises will start to see the enormous benefits they can achieve (as outlined in 5 major categories in Self-Sovereig...
26 January 2023 /payments /retail Digital Banking Trends
I had thought that my stories would advance in chronological order - but notice that so many rungs and rail composites from the early e-ladders are important in the next ones - that I keep moving back and forth. I hope it still makes sense. At this point I cannot stay away from looking to the next concrete platform - the interoperable European Trus...
07 January 2023 /retail /identity Data sharing
As I wrote in the first post, my interest for digitalisation started off from trying to automate more work in the backoffices. Then it moved to convenience for e-banking customers > not having to send or receive invoice snailmail and keeing in lenghty details when paying. It then jumped back to productivity when the Finnish public sector calcula...
06 January 2023 /retail /predictions Innovation in Financial Services
An often repeated experience on my journey has been that one thing leads to another, which leads to another and so it goes. You may have a hunch about what these may add up to - but seldom a very clear picture or a plan. So get going - and start with what many need often (preferably same logic, user experience and tool) at home and at work - and ke...
05 January 2023 /payments /retail Innovation in Financial Services
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