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Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Sonera showing the way in Finland Charging for paper invoices has been a touchy subject in Finland even if: - all experience shows that transparent pricing (producing "negative carrots..") is the only efficient way to make mass markets move fast - consumers say that they will not change behaviour ju...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Social web growing big time

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Final report public

final report by the EC Expert Group on e-Invoicing now public


Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Right direction in Belgium

This rapid action - now in Belgium is a very welcome step in the right direction. Practioners know that structured e-invoicing is so much more secure, that there are no needs to impose mandatory digital signatures and that DG Taxud and member states are moving towards PAN EU equal treatment. The technology neutral approach means that businesses c...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Final report on e-Invoicing approved

The EC Expert Group on e-Invoicing has approved its Final Report. It will be published in within the next weeks. The work has involved a total of close to 60 experts over nearly two years and has already had a significant effect on the activities both in the market uptake, in the standardization area and in the regulatory simplification and unifi...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Liberating the power of SMEs

Most of us have seen how small enterprises can be innovative, fast and agile - when larger ones show up as lumbering giants - trying desparately to cure themselves with new "management" tools. Long way to go before management is less about control and more about leading change. One reason for favoring large enterprises has been that the ...


Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Finns twice as mobile as Swedes

A Nordic study (PTS in Sweden) reveals that the mobile share of minutes in outgoing telephone calls in 2008 were the following: Finland 83% Norway 55 Denmark 54 Iceland 48 Sweden 41 The study is claiming that fixed line telephony was so much cheaper in Sweden that this explains the difference compared to F...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,


In the old days bloodletting was considered to be a universal cure to diseases. Later when it was realised that it could have only negative effects it still continued for quite a while. Old habits die hard. There are many similar practises today and the guy sitting on the chair is a typical SME letting himself be subject to a plethora of painful r...


Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Paper invoices have NO future

It is evident - paper invoices will disappear from the business to business and business to government sectors and then later in practise also in the business to consumer/government to citizen area. The 5 mega-class reasons are exceptionally powerful and clear to see. Everyone will benefit - especially the consumers and tax payers. It is only a

/payments /retail

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Nudge - not enough

Started to read Nudge by Thaler & Sunstein. Easy and nice reading - essential thought provocation needed at the latest now. What we have is a long list of very serious global challenges - ranging from global warming (which is furthered by unfettered blind growth) to financing of welfare structures (which is coming out of productive and succes...

/payments /retail

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