447 Results
Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,
Once invoicing has migrated from paper and PDF to structured form - increasingly in the soon ready open global ISO standard - a wealth of productivity enhancing practices can be launched. Examples: - automated accounting (as e-invoices carries increasingly common posting codes) especially for the SME-sector - creating de-facto real time accounting
22 August 2010 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
I should have known - it is not possible to realize how good something can be before you get to use it. It is not quite possible either to see the next steps before you take the previous. Even if a good part of my daily work has been and continues to be innovations in these fields. Now I am amazed at how easy and addicting it is to pay the bills. Y...
15 August 2010 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
http://boharald.blogspot.com/2010/08/inflation-delayed-or-eliminated.html With some discussion in my other blog. Body: The Economist is pointing out interesting China facts in last week’s leader. Snippets: 1.on salary levels: “little more than one-twentieth of the average monthly wage in America. But it is 17% more than the year before.” 2. on ...
06 August 2010
http://www.consilium.europa.eu/uedocs/cms_Data/docs/pressdata/en/ecofin/1157 89.pdf VAT directive for equal treatment approved on 13th of July. Now it is time to start driving transposition. Is there anybody out there who think this should not be fast? Now it is time for all banks to take a new look both at the market they intend to serve, how cent...
16 July 2010 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
“Someone born in 1960 has watched something like 50 000 hours of TV already.” Clay Shirky and Daniel Pink add this up to 200 billion hours in the US and call this “The Great Cognitive Surplus” in a very interesting Wired interview. This contrasts handily to Nicholas Carr’s rewired brains concerns. One might start up by wondering why the worlds most...
15 July 2010
Just when we had learned to yarn for more multitasking, learning quickly just-in-time by doing (instead of just-in-case), not-worrying about information overflow and fragmentation of time etc Nicholas Carr comes out with bad news: - internet shatters our focus and worse – rewires our brain as new habits change its neurons and synapses “the depth
14 July 2010
The report of the Expert Group on e-Invoicing only mild-mannerly pointed out that the 3-corner model can limit choices of suppliers and thus be anticompetitive. The view was that the market will for natural reasons become a normal 4-corner one – allowing any buyer and any seller to use their chosen service providers freely (as long as these live up...
10 July 2010 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
COUNCIL DIRECTIVE amending Directive 2006/112/EC on the common system of value added tax as regards the rules on invoicing Snippets – emphasis mine: “(8) Since the use of electronic invoicing can help businesses to reduce costs and be more competitive, current VAT requirements on electronic invoicing should be revised to remove existing burdens an...
02 July 2010 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
This case (e-invoices received by SMEs) represents quite well the market trend in Finland. The trend on the e-invoices-sent-by-SMEs has been steeper and the volumes much higher as so many invoice receivers (state sector, most big cities, most large enterprises) have set deadlines for accepting paper or e-mail invoices. Structured data should for a...
Leaders in the Economist digital economy ranking. The survey appears to be very thorough - but I would put more weight on productivity improving innovations starting from the highest and massive volumes - invoices, payments, card transactions, accounting automation, e-banking etc. Also try to measure public-private partnerships aiming at economy o...
01 July 2010 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
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