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Brian Richardson

Brian Richardson CEO at WIZZIT

Banks and FIntechs

The debate is interesting. To give some context, I come from a big Bank background where I worked for the first 10 years of my career. I have been an entrpreneuur since the age of 28 and started a fintech back n 2002 with my long standing business partner back on 2002, before the word "fintech" was invented. I was warned by my friends ...

/payments /markets Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Brian Richardson

Brian Richardson CEO at WIZZIT

Cash is the enemy

For Financial inclusion to be a reality a number of critical factors need to be in place. There is little or no doubt that the benefits of financial inclusion far outweigh the enormous downsides of an unbanked population. We need government support. We need support from the banks, the telcos, the retailers, the fintechs, the card associations it ...

/inclusion Financial Inclusion

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