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John Cant

John Cant Managing Director at MPI Europe Ltd

Faster Payments implementation pressures grow

The initial target of the UK Faster Payments scheme seemed a simple concept to deliver - eliminating float (the three days gap between funds leaving the payee's account and arriving in the recipents) - but as with most financial sector initiatives the implementation detail has been significantly more complex. Back in February this year when I fou...

/payments UK Faster Payments

John Cant

John Cant Managing Director at MPI Europe Ltd

Digital Alcohol

I am just back from an entertaining and informative session at SunLive07, with particular items of note including two MiFID experts (Bob Fuller of Equiduct and Nick Gibson of ABN) actually agreeing on most things, not least and not surprisingly that rapid decisions by CESR are required on Best Execution and Transaction Reporting to aid implementat...

/wholesale Trends in Financial Services

John Cant

John Cant Managing Director at MPI Europe Ltd

Dont you just love the internet

Well the answer is obviously yes, I do. Particularly when it throws up in that Hitch Hicker’s Guide to the Galaxy, maximum improbability drive way a gem like “Managers Say the Majority of Information Obtained for Their Work Is Useless, Accenture Survey Finds”. There I was looking for some dull, but important nugget on MiFID, or was it payments or ...

Trends in Financial Services

John Cant

John Cant Managing Director at MPI Europe Ltd

Simplicity brings better Compliance

At MPIE we recently provided input to a whitepaper from NetApp - a leading unified storage solutions supplier - on compliance trends and how to reduce the risk and costs of their impact. I will leave you to judge the specific merits of the NetApp solution, but the general principles are clear. By understanding and designing for the wider complianc...

/regulation /wholesale MiFID

John Cant

John Cant Managing Director at MPI Europe Ltd

Faster Payments on track

It seems appropriate to start blogging about UK Faster Payments (UKFP), the scheme to provide cheaper and easier "near real-time" via internet and phone banking, by a reference to the most recent APACS announcement. At face value it is reporting good news - the scheme is on track. However, there is the strong hint in the text that even t...

/payments /retail UK Faster Payments

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